编辑: hgtbkwd 2019-09-11
China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study Life History Survey Questionnaire 中国健康与养?追踪调查 ?命历程调查问卷 June

2014 China Center for Economic Research Institute of Social Science Survey Peking University This page intentionally left blank Contents ? 录RESIDENCE 迁移和住房


7 Spouse/Partner Section 配偶/伴侣部分

7 Children Section 子女部分

14 Pregnancy History 怀孕史

26 Hukou Section 户口部分


31 A.

Raising Up History and Parental Separations 抚养史和父母分居情况 . .

31 B. Sibling Information 兄弟姐妹信息

39 C. Childhood Social and Economic Status 童年的社会经济状况

42 D. Childhood Neighborhood Quality 童年时居住的社区质量

46 E&

F. Childhood Friendship and Experience 童年时期的友谊和经历 . . . .

47 G. Criminal Activity 犯罪活动

49 H. Parent Mental Health 父母的精神健康

50 J. Relationship with Parents 与父母的关系

56 L. Young Adult Support and Mentoring 年轻时候得到的指导和支持





111 Inheritance History 继承史

111 Land History Section 土地史


123 PART

1 Work for Six Months or More 六个月及以上的工作

125 PART

2 Government, Public Institution, State-owned Enterprise, and Army Service 政府部门、事业单位、国有企业和参军服役

141 PART

3 Retirement 退休情况

142 I This page intentionally left blank CHARLS Life History Questionnaire

1 RESIDENCE 迁移和住房 RName Please confirm the name of the respondent, any error please modify it directly. 请确 认受访者姓名,如果有误直接在输入框中修改. RBirth Please confirm the birthday of the respondent, any error please modify it directly. 请确认受访者出生年月.如果有误或缺失,直接在输入框中修改. ____ (RBirthYear) Year 年__ (RBirthMonth) Month 月RBirthID Is the birthday in your ID card the same as that in RBirth? 请问您身份证上登记的 出生年月和刚才回答的出生年月 RBirth 是否相同? 1. Yes 相同 2. No 不同,birthday in ID card is, 身份证上登记的是:____ (RBirthID_1) Year 年__ (RBirthID_2) Month 月RGender Please confirm the gender of the respondent. 请确认受访者性别. 1. Male 男2. Female 女T002 Since your birth, the first/nth county for living more than six months is? 自从您出生 起,第[1]/[n] 个居住时间超过

6 个月的区县是在哪里? 1~15 Choose from the [county-list] 从已知的 [县区列表] 里选择 (County)

16 Domestic 国内:Choose from the Drop-Down Box [province/city/county] 选择区县 [下拉框:省市县] (T002_psu) Other 其它 ____ (T002_psu_other)

17 Foreign 国外 ____ (T002_2)

18 None 没有 → Skip to T002e BRANCHPOINT 跳至 T002e 跳转点 T001a When did you move into residence T002? 您是什么时候迁入居住地 T002 的? 1. Same as the time moved out previous residence T001b, for the first residence, same as the birth time RBirth. 和迁出前一个居住地的时间 T001b 一样, 对于第一个 居住地,则是与出生时间 RBirth 一样. 2. Not the same. 不一样 ____ (T001a_1) Year 年__ (T001a_2) Month 月[Drop- Down Box 下拉框: Seasons 春夏秋冬 (T001a_3)] [Drop-Down Box 下拉框: The first half/second half of a year 上半年/下半年 (T001a_4)] T001b Since the moved in time T001a, when did you first move out residence T002 for more than six months? 自迁入时间 T001a 以来,您是什么时候第一次迁出居住地 T002

6 个月以 上的时间? 1. ____ (T001b_1) Year 年__ (T001b_2) Month 月[Drop-Down Box 下拉框: Seasons 春夏秋冬 (T001b_3)] [Drop-Down Box 下拉框: The first half/second half of a year 上半年/下半年 (T001b_4)] 2. Not move until now 至今 → Skip to T002e BRANCHPOINT 跳至 T002e 跳转点

2 RESIDENCE 迁移和住房 T004 When you lived in the residence T002 from T001a to T001b, were you living in rural or urban areas? 您在迁入时间 T001a 至迁出时间 T001b 居住在居住地 T002 时,生活在农 村还是城市地区? 1. Been living in the rural area 一直生活在农村 2. Been living in the urban area 一直生活在城市 3. Mainly living in the rual area 主要生活在农村 4. Mainly living in the urban area 主要生活在城市 5. Time living in rural and urban roughly the same 生活在农村和城市的时间大致相同 T003c Why did you move out from residence T002 in T001b? 您为什么在 T001b 迁出居住地 T002? 1. School/graduation/drop-out 上学/毕业/退学(与入学、离校相关的迁移原因) 2. Married/divorced/separated 结婚/离婚/分居 3. Work away (not including the army) 异地工作(不包括参军) 4. Take care of family 异地照顾家人 5. Flee from famine/disaster 逃荒/逃难 6. Return to hometown 返乡 7. Army/Veterans 参军/退伍 8. Migrate with family 随父母/配偶/子女搬迁 9. Whole village relocation/demolition 整村搬迁/拆迁 10. Set down/back to the city after setted down 下放/下放返城 11. Intellectual Youth to the countryside/back 知青下乡/知青返城 12. House-purchase 购房 13. Other, please specify 其它,请注明 ____ (T003c_1) LOOP 循环 : IF T001b ?= 2, ask the next residence lived longer than six months from T002 to T003c. 如果 T001b 不等于 至今 ,询问下一处居住时间超过

6 个月的居住地信息,即询问 T002 至T003c. T002e BRANCHPOINT T002e 跳转点 : For each residence from Last Loop, IF: 对于上一循环中的每个居住地,如果: ? The gap between birthday and the moved in time associated with the first residence is larger than six months [出生时间] 距离第 [1] 个居住地的 [迁入时间] 大于

6 个月 ? The gap between the moved out time associated with the [n]th residence and the moved in time associated with the [n+1]th residence is larger than six months 第[n] 个居住地 的 [迁出时间] 距离第 [n+1] 个居住地的 [迁入时间] 大于

6 个月 ? The gap between the moved out time associated with the last residence and now is larger than six months 最后一个居住地的 [迁出时间] 距离 [当前] 大于

6 个月 Ask T002e to T003e, 询问 T002e 至T003e T002e The previous residence loop does not include the residence between the moved out time with the [n-1]th residence and the moved in time with the [n]th residence, where CHARLS Life History Questionnaire

3 were you living during this period? 您刚才的回答中,没有包括 [n-1] 个居住地的 [迁出时 间] 至第 [n] 个居住地的 [迁入时间].请问在这段时间,您主要居住在哪儿? 1. Migrated within province, choose the province from [Drop-Down Box: province (T002e_1)] 省内不固定:选择主要居住省 [下拉框:省T002e_1)] 2. Migrated within the country, choose the main area from [Drop-Down Box: North- east / North China / East China / South China / Central China / Northwest / Southwest T002e_2)] 国内不固定:选择主要居住地区 [下拉框:东北/华北/华东/华南/华中/西北/西南 T002e_2)] T003e Why did you stop the migration over counties in residence T002e? 您为什么停止在主 要居住地 T002e 的跨区县流动迁移状态? 1. School/graduation/drop-out 上学/毕业/退学(与入学、离校相关的迁移原因) 2. Married/divorced/separated 结婚/离婚/分居 3. Work away (not including the army) 异地工作(不包括参军) 4. Take care of family 异地照顾家人 5. Flee from famine/disaster 逃荒/逃难 6. Return to hometown 返乡 7. Army/Veterans 参军/退伍 8. Migrate with family 随父母/配偶/子女搬迁 9. Whole village relocation/demolition 整村搬迁/拆迁 10. Set down/back to the city after setted down 下放/下放返城 11. Intellectual Youth to the countryside/back 知青下乡/知青返城 12. House-purchase 购房 13. Other, please specify 其它,请注明 ____ (T003e_1) LOOP 循环 : Loop over AC005a and AC005b until AC005b == 2. 循环提问 AC005a 和AC005b 直至 AC005b == 2. AC005a From your birth/Year in AC005b, What is the architectural type of your first resi- dence? 自您出生起/AC005b 中的年份起,您居住的第一个房子的建筑类型是什么? 1. Concrete structure, Built with bricks and wood 钢筋混泥土结构或砖木结构 2. Adobe house 土坯房/土房 3. Wood house/Thatched houses 木草屋/茅草房 4. Cave 窑洞 5. Mongolian yurt 蒙古包/毡房 6. Boat house 船屋 7. Others, please specify 其它,请注明 ____ (AC005a_1) AC005b From your birth/Year in AC005a, did the architectural type of your residence change? 自您出生起/AC005a 中的年份起,您居住房子的建筑类型有没有过变化? 1. Yes, changed in ____ (AC005b_1) Year 年→go to AC005a 跳至 AC005a 2. No 没有

4 RESIDENCE 迁移和住房 AC006 From your birth, what are the main sources of cooking fuel (mutiple choice)? 自您 出生以来,您居住过的地方有没有使用过煤炭、电或燃气作为燃料做饭,如果使用过,分别是从 什么时候开始使用这些燃料做饭? (多选题) 1. Coal 煤炭,used from ____ (AC006_1) Year 年2. Electricity and Fuel gas 电或燃气(包括煤气、 液化气、 天然气、 沼气) ,used from ____ (AC006_2) Year 年3. Home cooking without the above fule 我家做饭,但没有使用过以上两类燃料 4. My family didn'

t cook. 自我出生以后,我家从不做饭. AC008 What is the main heating energy source for each residence you lived? 自您出生以来, 您居住过的地方主要使用过以下哪些能源采暖?是煤炭、电、太阳能或燃气、还是集中供暖?请 注明开始使用这些燃料采暖的年份. (多选题) 1. Coal 煤炭,used from ____ (AC008_1) Year 年2. Electricity and fuel gas 电、太阳能和燃气(包括煤气、液化气、天然气、沼气,也包括 以使用燃气为主的分户供暖,即地暖) ,used from ____ (AC008_2) Year 年3. Central heating 集中供暖(整个社区统一接入暖气,不包括自制土暖气和分户供暖) , used from ____ (AC008_3) Year 年4. Has heating service without the above sources 我家有过采暖,但不是使用以上燃料 (采暖方式) 5. No heating service 我家从没有过采暖 AC029a From your birth, in which year was started to use clean wate........
