编辑: 人间点评 | 2019-07-06 |
FEEDBACK The Group welcomes stakeholders'
feedback on our environmental, social and governance approach and performance. Please give your suggestions or share your views to the Group via email at [email protected].
S SUSTAINABILITY VISION The environment and natural resources are highly related to our daily lives. Sustainable development has become a popular trend around the globe. Nurturing the green industry and eliminating damage to the environment and the society have become a future direction of the Group'
s development. The Group also integrates breakthroughs from both advanced IT technology and natural gas industries, drives innovative technological achievement, efficiency enhancement and organizational revolution within the natural gas industry. Such integration further enhances invention and productivity in smart energy applications. A. Environmental Types of emissions the Group involved during the reporting period were petrol, electricity, paper and business air travel. The business does not involve in production-related air, water, and land pollutions which are regulated under national laws and regulations, and any consumption of packaging materials in its business operation. 1. Greenhouse Gas Emission Scope of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Emission Sources Emission in
2018 (tCO2 e) Emission in
2017 (tCO2 e) 温室气体排放围 排放来源 2018年度 排放量 (以吨 二氧化碳 当量表示) 2017年度 排放量 (以吨 二氧化碳 当量表示) Scope
1 围1 Direct Emission Petrol Consumption by Group-owned vehicles
9 N/A 直接排放 本集团拥有的汽车消耗的汽油 不适用 Scope
2 围2 Indirect Emission Purchased Electricity (for offices and advertising services)
19 113 间接排放 购买电力 (供办公室及广告服务使用) Scope
3 围3 Other Indirect Emission Paper Consumption
2 2 其他间接排放 纸张消耗 Business Air Travel
31 344 航空差旅 Total 总计
61 459 Note : Combined margin emission factor (average) of 0.63 tCO2 e/MWh was used for purchased electricity . 本集团的可持续愿景 环境及天然资源与我们的日常生活息息相关. 可持续发展已成为全球大势所趋.培植绿色产 业以及消除对环境及社会的损害已成为本集 团发展的未来方向. 本集团亦结合先进资讯科技技术与天然气行业 的突破,於天然气行业推动创新技术成就、效 益提升及组织变革.有关整合进一步提升智能 能源应用的发明及生产力. A. 环境 本集团於报告期间所涉及的排放物种类 为汽油、电力、纸张及航空差旅.业务并 不涉及受国家法律及规例监管与生产相 关的空气、水及土地污染,以及任何包 装材料. 1. 温室气体排放 附注:购买的电力使用每兆瓦时0.63吨二氧化 碳当量合并边际排放系数 (平均) 计算.
3 There were
61 tonnes (2017:
459 tonnes) of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gases (mainly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) emitted from the Group'
s operation in the reporting period. 2. Emissions from Vehicles The Group has one petrol engine vehicle which contributed to greenhouse gas emissions and emitted nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides and particulate matter. The amount of consumption and corresponding data for emission calculations were however not available for the year ended
31 December 2017. 3. Electricity The electricity consumption of the Group was 30,000 kWh (2017: 157,000). The Group encourages and constantly reminds employees to adopt energy- saving practices including switching off idling lighting devices and electrical appliances. 4. Water The Group involved only small amount of water consumption in offices. Water consumption of the offices was managed by the building management office, consumption data was therefore not available. 5. Non-hazardous Wastes The Group generates no hazardous waste in its operation. Non-hazardous wastes from the Group'