编辑: 丑伊 2019-07-07

s foreign engineering contracting industry. As a PRC engineering contracting company first going out , we have been proactively expanding our overseas business and have established years of profound market foundation along the Belt and Road route and completed quality constructions marking friendship and cooperation with many countries and regions, building up a sound brand image and reputation.

3 业务回顾 2017年上半年,世界经济逐渐回暖, 「一 带一路」的政策红利不断被释放等利好因 素,为中国和周边地区带来长期的增长动 力,也为CMEC拓展海外业务提供了更多 的市场机遇.同时,面对复杂多变的外部 国际形势,市场竞争更加激烈,公司抓住 机遇,迎接挑战,克服困难、努力奋斗, 总体运营保持稳健发展.公司在2017年上 半年实现收入人民币9,374.7百万元;

毛利 人民币1,568.7百万元;

经营溢利人民币906.8百万元. 国际工程承包业务作为本集团传统核心 业务之一, 其收入约占集团总收入的54.2%.其中,电力能源行业为专长,其 收入占本集团国际工程承包业务总收入约 68.1%,毛利则占国际工程承包业务总毛 利约78.4%,毛利率保持在约24.7%,处 於行业领先水平. BUSINESS REVIEW In the first half of 2017, the warming world economy and continuous release of the policy dividend of the Belt and Road initiative and other positives factors provided long-term growth momentum for China and the neighbouring regions and more market opportunities for CMEC'

s expansion into overseas markets. Meanwhile, in response to the complex and ever-changing international environment and intensified market competition, the Company captured the opportunity, confronted the challenges and strived amidst the difficulties, securing steady development as a whole. The Company recorded a revenue of RMB9,374.7 million, gross profit of RMB1,568.7 million and operating profit of RMB906.8 million in the first half of 2017. As one of the Group'

s traditional core businesses, the International Engineering Contracting Business contributed approximately 54.2% of the Group'

s total revenue. In particular, our performance in the power and energy sector was the best. Revenue from that sector accounted for approximately 68.1% of the total revenue of the Group'

s International Engineering Contracting Business, the gross profit accounted for approximately 78.4% of total gross profit of the International Engineering Contracting Business, and the gross profit margin remained at an industry-leading level of approximately 24.7%.

4 截至目前,本集团的工程承包项目遍及全 球超过48个国家, 主要分布在亚洲、 非洲、 欧洲和南美洲.2017年上半年, 项 目执行情况总体平稳,有一批项目顺利完 工并取得重大进展.例如,在完工项目方 面,安哥拉毛鲁本脱220千伏输变电项目於 2017年1月25日举行剪彩仪式.集团承建 的塞尔维亚科斯托拉茨电站一期项目第二 子项新建排烟脱硫系统获得了业主签发的 临时接收证书.该项目的脱硫系统是塞尔 维亚甚至整个东南欧的第一套脱硫设备, 系统投入运行后,所有的排放指标不仅远 低於合同要求排放值而且满足欧盟的排放 要求,为塞尔维亚的环保事业做出重大的 贡献.此外,委内瑞拉中央电厂6号600兆 瓦蒸汽轮机发电机组项目、刚果 (布) 利韦 索水电站配套输变电项目运行状态良好, 均顺利通过最终验收,为当地经济发展和 人民生活水平提高做出了贡献. 此外,一批项目广受好评.中国驻安哥拉 大使馆大使、参赞等一行访问视察了索约 (SOYO)联合循环电站项目时得知项目不仅 解决当地就业问题,而且向市政府捐赠净 水装置、义务修缮道路、为当地提供惠民 贷款等举措时,对CMEC在当地担负起的 社会责任表示高度赞许.老挝孟聘项目在 获得项目业主签发的临时接收证书(Taking- Over Certificate)半年后,於今年3月收到项 目业主送来的奖状,对CMEC执行孟聘项 目过程中展现的聪明才智以及勤奋严谨表 达感谢和表扬. So far, the Group had undertaken engineering contracting projects in more than
