编辑: 无理的喜欢 2019-07-09

1 April 2014, Ms. Leung Yin Fai be appointed and Mr. Lim Yew Kong, John resigned as the independent non-Executive Director, the chairman of each of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company. 3. With effect from

7 November 2014, Mr. Chan Cheuk Ho resigned as the Secretary of the Company and Mr. Shek Wing Wa be appointed as the Secretary of the Company with effect from

10 November 2014. 4. The Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office has been changed from HSBC Bank Bermuda Limited to Codan Services Limited with effect from

15 February 2014. 法律顾问 李智聪律师事务所 香港 中环皇后大道中39号 丰盛创建大厦19楼 核数师 信永中和 (香港) 会计师事务所有限公司 香港铜锣湾 希慎道33号 利园43楼 主要股份登记及过户处 Codan Services Limited (附注4) Clarendon House

2 Church Street Hamilton, HM

11 Bermuda 香港股份登记及过户分处 卓佳登捷时有限公司 香港 皇后大道东183号 合和中心22楼 网址 http://www.northasiaresources.com 附注: 1. 由二零一四年十月六日起,黄伯麒先生获委任为本 公司之执行董事、副主席兼行政总裁,而张旭先生 则辞任以上职务. 2. 由二零一四年四月一日起,梁燕辉女士获委任为本 公司之独立非执行董事、审核委员会及薪酬委员会 主席,而Lim Yew Kong, John先生则辞任以上职务. 3. 由二零一四年十一月七日起,陈卓豪先生辞任本公 司之秘书及由二零一四年十一月十日起石永华先生 获委任为本公司之秘书. 4. 主要股份登记及过户处於二零一四年二月十五日 起由HSBC Bank Bermuda Limited 转为Codan Services Limited. NORTH ASIA RESOURCES HOLDINGS LIMITED ? 北亚资源控股有限公司



S PROFILE 董事及管理人员简介 MR. ZHANG SANHUO C Executive Director (Chairman) Mr. Zhang Sanhuo, aged 49, joined the Company on

7 June

2013 as an Executive Director, graduated from 山西财经大学 (Shanxi University of Finance &

Economics*) (formerly known as 山西财经学院 (Shanxi Institute of Finance &

Economics*)) with a bachelor'

s degree in accounting and obtained a master'

s degree in business administration from 长江商学院 (Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business). Mr. Zhang has extensive experience in the mining industry, especially in coal and natural resources management, and has been engaged in such business for over

20 years. Mr. Zhang was involved in mining, technology and management of 山西省煤炭 厅古交一矿 (Department of Coal of Shanxi Province Gujiao Mine No. 1*) as its mine manager from

1991 to 1994, and was the general manager of 山西 昌通选煤厂 (Shanxi Changtong Coal Preparation Plant*) from

1994 to

1998 and was responsible for the production management and overseas trading of coal products. Mr. Zhang also has experience in property investments. MR. HUANG BOQI C Executive Director (Deputy Chairman &

Chief Executive Officer) Mr. Huang Boqi, aged 49, obtained his Bachelor degree in Engineering from Southern China Technical Institute in

1987 and a Master degree in Economics from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics in 1999. He was the chairman and executive director of China Best Group Holding Limited (Hong Kong listed company, Stock Code: 370) from

24 June

2011 to

16 July

2014 and is a non-executive director of China Best Group Holding Limited (Hong Kong listed company, Stock Code: 370) from

16 July

2014 to

16 October 2014. He was also a chairman, executive director and interlocking chief executive officer of Goldmond Holdings Limited (Hong Kong listed company, Stock Code: 8190) from
