编辑: hys520855 | 2019-07-09 |
送货围不包括禁区及离岛. 9. For any unsuccessful delivery due to incorrect or incomplete information provided, General Mills Hong Kong Ltd. will not responsible for any refund or re-issue of vouchers in case the vouchers have been returned, HK$50 surcharge will be applied for re-delivery. 如因订购人提供不全面或不正确之资料而导致送递文件遗失,General Mills Hong Kong Ltd. 将不会负上任何责任及不会退还已缴付之款项和重 新发出礼券.如文件被退回,而要再次送递,需收取 HK$50 附加费. 10. General Mills Hong Kong Ltd. is not liable for voucher loss or other loss incurred by the customer after delivery. 邮件经送递后之所有礼券遗失及损失 General Mills Hong Kong Ltd.恕不负责. 11. ........