编辑: 阿拉蕾 | 2019-07-09 |
如该项学历需在不同地区修读,请同时填上各个地区/国家的名称. Note 3: Please state '
Hong Kong'
if you studied locally. If you studied abroad, please state the name of the country where you studied. If you studied at more than one place for the qualification, please give the names of all the countries concerned. A-AP (06/19) A-AP/Pg.
3 丁部 特定学分承认的申请 Section D Application for Specific Credit Transfer (SCT) (此部份只适用於特定学分承认申请者 - Only those applicants applying for SCT are required to fill in this section) 申请特定学分承认的公开大学科目 OUHK course claimed (科目编号及名称) (Course Code and Name) 等同的以往修读科目 Subject(s) equivalent to OUHK course 修课期/修课时数注四 Course duration Note
4 所修读的以往科目的学历/课程 名称及院校名称 Qualification(s) held and relevant institution(s) 是否附有课程资料? Syllabus provided? (是/否Yes/No) 申请特定学分承认的公开大学科目 OUHK course claimed (科目编号及名称) (Course Code and Name) 等同的以往修读科目 Subject(s) equivalent to OUHK course 修课期/修课时数注四 Course duration Note
4 所修读的以往科目的学历/课程 名称及院校名称 Qualification(s) held and relevant institution(s) 是否附有课程资料? Syllabus provided? (是/否Yes/No) 申请特定学分承认的公开大学科目 OUHK course claimed (科目编号及名称) (Course Code and Name) 等同的以往修读科目 Subject(s) equivalent to OUHK course 修课期/修课时数注四 Course duration Note
4 所修读的以往科目的学历/课程 名称及院校名称 Qualification(s) held and relevant institution(s) 是否附有课程资料? Syllabus provided? (是/否Yes/No) 注四 请注明该(等)科目的修课期或修课时数,如一学期、一学年、XX学习时数、XX面授时数等. Note 4: Please indicate the duration of the course(s), such as one semester, one year, xx study hours, xx contact hours, etc. ? 请在每方格内填写一项申请特定学分承认的公开大学科目 Please put one OUHK course in each box ? 如申请科目超过三科,请自行影印此页 Please make photocopies of this page if more than
3 courses are claimed ? 请在填写申请科目前,参考最新的课程概览及学科简介 Please refer to the latest prospectus/courses supplement for course code and name ? 每项用以申请特定学分承认的以往修读科目,均须附上有关的学业成绩表 (Transcript),(正本或符合学分承认申请指引K部分第4-5段要求的副本) Please provide transcript(s) (originals or copies made in accordance with the requirements stated in paragraphs 4-5 of Section K of the Guide to Application for Advanced Standing) A-AP (06/19) A-AP/Pg.
4 申请费用 APPLICATION FEES 学分承认申请费用将由二零一九年九月一日起调整.现行及调整后的费用如下: The application fees will be revised from
1 September 2019. The current fees and the new fees are as follows: 学分承认类别 Type 申请费用 - 适用至二零一九年八月三十一日止 current fees valid up to 31-8-2019 申请费用 - 由二零一九年九月一日起生效 new fees with effect from 1-9-2019 一般学分承认 GCT only 每宗申请费用为港币1,000 HKD1,000 per application 每宗申请费用为港币1,035 HKD1,035 per application 特定学分承认/ 一般学分承认 SCT/GCT 一至三科的申请费用为港币3,000,之后每加三科加收费用港币 1,000,即四至六科的申请须缴交港币4,000,七至九科的申请须 缴交港币5,000,依此类推. HKD3,000 for an application of