编辑: 捷安特680 | 2019-07-10 |
(v) cause or permit the redemption, repurchase or otheracquisition, directly or indirectly, by the Company or through its subsidiaries orotherwise of Common Shares or Preferred Shares other than (a) repurchases orredemptions of Common Shares issued to or held by employees, officers, directors orconsultants of the Company or its subsidiaries upon termination of their services pursuantto agreements providing for the right of said repurchase or redemption, (b) repurchases orredemptions of Common Shares issued to or held by employees, officers, directors, orconsultants of the Company or its subsidiaries pursuant to rights of first refusal containedin agreements providing for such right, and (c) redemptions of Preferred Shares to effectthe conversion thereof pursuant to Articles
12 or 15;
(vi) authorize or effect an Acquisition Transaction or Sale ofAssets;
(vii) authorize, cause or permit any voluntary dissolution orliquidation of the Company or its subsidiaries or any reclassification or recapitalization ofthe outstanding capital shares of the Company or its subsidiaries;
(viii) increase or decrease the authorized number of members ofthe Company'
s Board;
(ix) materially or substantially change the Company'
s businessplan or business as now conducted or change its business activities;
(x) license or otherwise dispose of the whole or substantial partof the Company, any Group Company'
s or their respective subsidiaries'
intellectualproperty, goodwill or assets;
or(xi) increase, reduce or cancel the authorized or issued sharecapital of the Company or its subsidiaries, or issue, allot, purchase or redeem any shares,options, warrants or securities convertible into or carrying a subscription right of anyshares options or warrants of the Company, or perform any act which has the effect ofdiluting or reducing the effective shareholding of the investor in the Company.
3 新备忘录原文为:At any general meeting, any resolution put to a vote at shareholders level shall be decided by poll by ordinary resolution (i.e.simple majority) unless required by the the 5th Amended M&
A and6th Amended M&
A or by law to be decided by special resolution, that is to say, a resolution that is passed by a majority of at 8-1-8 根据开曼山石股东名册、 《开曼山石法律意见》 《开曼山石公司治理备忘录》 和新备忘录,报告期内红筹架构拆除前,开曼山石优先股股东层面仅发生过
1 次 股份转让及
1 次股份回购,分别是:2018 年1月31 日,Hua Ji 以3.0410 美元/ 股的对价受让 Changming Liu 持有的开曼山石 50,000 股A轮优先股;
2018 年3月29 日,开曼山石以 5,500,000 美元的对价回购 Sunny Ventures 持有的 759,188 股C-1 轮优先股. 报告期内, 在开曼山石于
2018 年3月回购 C-1 轮优先股股东 Sunny Ventures 所持 C-1 轮优先股股份前,开曼山石优先股股东持股情况如下: 优先股股东 持有全........