编辑: xiaoshou | 2019-07-12 |
2 English.
3 简体中文.8 繁体中文.13 ???
18 English??3 KEYBOARD FEATURES Secondary functions are available for the most of the top rows of keys and can be activated by?pressing a combination of FN and the indicated key. NOTE: This can be set as the primary functions by turning on the FN Key Inversion on the Keyboard Home Menu in Logitech Gaming Software. Logitech Gaming Software can be downloaded at LogitechG.com/LGS. 4??English 1. FN + F5 key: Change the lighting effect. There are
7 onboard effects: 1. Color wave (left to right) 2. Color wave (right to left) 3. Color wave (center out) 4. Breathing 5. Color cycling 6. Ripple 7. Solid Cyan color 2. FN+F6: Load the customized lighting profile saved in Logitech Gaming Software. The default lighting profile is colorwave effect. 3. FN+F7: Adjust brightness. Toggles between
5 levels - 0%/off, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%/Max. 4. FN+F8: Toggle Game mode By default, Game mode disables the window key. Advanced settings are available within Logitech Gaming Software. KEYBOARD FEATURES - LIGHTING FUNCTIONS
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3 4 English??5 5. FN+F9: Play/Pause 6. FN+F10: Stop 7. FN+F11: Previous 8. FN+F12: Next 9. FN+PRTSC: Toggle Mute 10. FN+SCRLK: Volume down 11. FN+PAUSE: Volume up KEYBOARD FEATURES - MEDIA FUNCTIONS
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9 1011 F1-F12 can also be used for custom macros. These advanced features and more are available via Logitech Gaming Software. Logitech Gaming Software can be downloaded at LogitechG.com/LGS. To increase or decrease the speed of the onboard lighting effect use + or - on the numpad while pressing the FN key. 6??English FN KEY INVERSION You can use LGS to invert all the functions that are accessed by default when you use the?FN?key?modifier with individual F keys. This way you don't need to press FN in combination with the F keys to perform the special functions. Logitech Gaming Software can be downloaded at LogitechG.com/LGS. English??7 USB PLUG The G512 gaming keyboard features one pass-through USB 2.0 port. USB You must connect both USB cables in order to use the pass-through USB port. NOTE: You can connect USB 3.0 devices to the pass-through port, but it will only provide the transfer and charging rate of a USB 2.0 port. 8??简体中文 键盘特性 第一排按键多数具有次级功能, 可通过按下 FN 和有次级功能标识的按键组合来激活. 注: 可通过在罗技游戏软件中的键盘主页菜单中开启 FN 键反转功能, 将这些次级功能设置为该按键 的主要功能. 下载罗技游戏软件, 请访问 LogitechG.com/LGS. 简体中文??9 1. FN + F5 键: 改变背光效果.
7 种板载效果: 1. 色彩波浪 (从左至右) 2. 色彩波浪 (从右至左) 3. 色彩波浪 (从中间向四周 扩散) 4. 呼吸灯 5. 颜色循环 6. 涟漪 7. 青绿色 2. FN+F6: 读取在罗技游戏软件中保存的自定 义背光配置文件. 默认背光配置文 件是色彩波浪效果. 3. FN+F7: 调节亮度. 在5档背光亮度之间 切换 - 0%/关闭背光, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%/最高亮度. 4. FN+F8: 切换游戏模式 - 游戏模式默认禁用 windows 键. 可在罗技游戏软件中 进行更多设置. 键盘特性 - 背光功能
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3 4 10??简体中文 5. FN+F9: 播放/暂停 6. FN+F10: 停止 7. FN+F11: 上一首 8. FN+F12: 下一首 9. FN+PRTSC: 静音/取消静音 10. FN+SCRLK: 音量下降 11. FN+PAUSE: 音量上升 键盘特性 - 媒体功能
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9 1011 F1-F12 键也可用于自定义宏. 可在罗技游戏软件中设置此功能以及更多功能. 下载罗技游戏软件, 请访问 LogitechG.com/LGS. FN + (+) (仅数字键盘) : 增加背光效果运动速度, 而FN + (-) (仅数字键盘) 可降低背光运动速度. 简体中文??11 FN 键反转 您可以在 LGS 中进行设置, 将各 F 键的默认主次功能反转. 如此一来, 无需按下 FN 加F键组合即可 实现特定功能. 下载罗技游戏软件, 请访问 LogitechG.com/LGS. 12??简体中文 USB 插头 G512 游戏键盘配备一个 USB 2.0 直连端口. USB 使用 USB 直连端口需将两条 USB 线缆全部连接. 注: 直连端口可以连接 USB 3.0 设备, 但只能提供 USB 2.0 端口的传输与充电速率. 繁体中文??13 键盘功能 最上方一列按键大部分都有第二项功能可以使用 , 其启用方式是同时按下 FN 按键以及标示按键的组合键. 注意: 这可透过在罗技游戏软体的 「键盘首页」 功能表中启用 FN 按键反转选项,来将其设定为主要功能. 罗技游戏软体可在下列网址下载 :LogitechG.com/LGS. 14??繁体中文 1. FN + F5 键: 变更背光效果. 有7种内建效果: 1. 色彩波浪 (从左至右) 2. 色彩波浪 (从右至左) 3. 色彩波浪 (由中心往外) 4. 呼吸效果 5. 色彩循环 6. 涟漪 7. 纯青色 2. FN+F6: 载入保存在罗技游戏软体中的自订 背光设定档. 预设的背光设定档是色 彩波浪效果. 3. FN+F7: 调整亮度 . 可在