编辑: 霜天盈月祭 | 2019-07-13 |
148 in the controls and
270 in the cases,
77 (24%) of them seizure related. The RR of having at least one accident was 1.5 (95% CI, 1.2C1.9) and was virtually unchanged after adjusting for disability. The cumulative probability of accidents in the cases was 17% by
12 months and 27% by
24 months. The corresponding values in the controls were 12% and 17% (p <
0.0001). The Cox proportional hazard ratio (HR) for accidents in patients with epilepsy was 1.6 (95% CI, 1.3C2.1), after adjusting for age, sex, dis- ability, and country. When seizure-related accidents were excluded, the HR decreased to 1.4 (95% CI, 1.1C1.8). The most common complaints in patients were contu- sions and wounds, followed by abrasions and fractures (2). Contusions and wounds also predominated among con- trols. Two patients with epilepsy died during follow-up (one in a car accident and another after inhalation of food during a seizure). One suicide was attempted (a patient had head trauma after jumping out of a window), and a back injury occurred in a patient who had a seizure in the bathroom. No reports of drowning or near-drowning were made. The most significant difference was that wounds, abrasions, and concussions all predominated in the cases. Exceptforconcussion,reportedmainlyduringaseizureby patients with undetermined epilepsy (12%), none of the disease characteristics was significantly correlated with the risk of accidents. The cumulative probability of having an accident by type is shown in Figure 1. The cumulative ........