编辑: 我不是阿L | 2019-07-14 |
Production # ? 此课程旨在教授学员设计创作概念,配合电脑排版及绘 图软件Adobe Illustrator 及Adobe InDesign,学习制稿技 巧以配合印刷输出要求,在发掘及提升学员的创作思维 以外,亦重视设计与印刷的相互关系及影响. 天后 Tin Hau 4/3/2010 - 29/4/2011 (逢星期五) 注: 22/4 为 复活节假期 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm HK$1,375 * VC20 室内设计概论 # Introduction to Interior Design # 本课程介绍室内设计行业的发展,透过真实案例教讲解 室内设计理论及介绍立体空间设计师的思维模式.内容 包括一些行内常用辞汇、设计原理、度尺、空间规划、 灯光与物料及介绍人体工学的基本法则. 天后 Tin Hau 4/3/2010 - 29/4/2011 (逢星期五) 注: 22/4 为 复活节假期 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm HK$1,375 * VC10 布料质地研究 # Fibers &
Textures # 本课程介绍各种天然及人造纺织设计物料的特性与优 点,教授选择物料的基本法则,使学员能配合不同类型 服饰的功能需求,并通过不同物料的配搭,创作出不同 的设计意念及风格. 天后 Tin Hau 4/3/2010 - 29/4/2011 (逢星期五) 注: 22/4 为 复活节假期 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm HK$1,375 * VC13 美术设计之物料、技 巧与方法 # Materials, Techniques and Processes inArt &
Design # 任何设计都需要创意,创意的发生不单是只在传统的平 面媒介.本课程让学员认识各种设计师常用的美术设计 物料,透过不同主题的创意工作坊(Workshop),在手工艺 (Craftmanship) 互动的过程中,启发学员的创意思维.此外,课程亦教授设计的装裱技巧,提升学员的作品展示 的能力. 荃湾 Tsuen Wan 4/3/2010 - 29/4/2011 (逢星期五) 注: 22/4 为 复活节假期 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm HK$1,375 * 课程查询 Enquiry
28778363 www.cac.edu.hk 天后总校: 香港天后英皇道1号 Tin Hau: G/F ,
1 King'
s Road, Hong Kong Tel:
2877 8363 旺角分校: 旺角西洋菜街168大厦3楼 Mong Kok: 3/F No.168 Building, SaiYeung Choi Street, Mong Kok Tel:
2865 2604 荃湾分校: 海坝街91-93号地下-3楼 Tsuen Wan: G/F-3/F No 91-93 Hoi Pa StreetTsuen Wan N.T . Tel:
2499 0575 设计及电脑短期课程 (夜间) Design and Computer Short Courses (Evening)
2011 三月 四月 March April 续上页 Following previouspage ? 备注 Remarks * 报读以上夜间短期课程的人士需缴付报名费港币200元正.取录与否,报名费用概不退还. A non-refundable application fee for HK$200.00 will be levied for enrollment of evening short course listed above. # 报读以上短期课程的人士如出席率超过80%,可於课程完成后申请修业证书乙张,行政费为港币50元正. Students may apply a certificate of attendance after completing the course with at least 80% attendance. HK$50.00 administration fee will be charged. 转后页 Tobecontinueonnextpage ? Page4/4 编号 课程名称 课程简介 上课地点 日期 时间 学费 HGD11 绘图技巧与方法 # DrawingTechniques &
Approaches # In this unit learners will be encouraged to develop visual thinking and creativity as fundamental to all design work. It will enable learners to experiment with drawing approaches and techniques in order to broaden their experience and understanding of visual language. Learners will need to use materials and media which are specific to design, as well as unusual materials and media which will extend their visual language and creativity. 天后 Tin Hau 28/2/2011 - 27/6/2011 (Monday) 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm HK$5,500 * HSD07 意念发展 # IdeasinContext # This unit extends and develops ideas generation. Learners are required to generate ideas to fulfil complex graphic communication objectives involving commercial constraints. Learners will adapt ideas to suit a range of different applications, and work with others in generating and developing ideas. Learners must also prepare ideas for professional presentation. 天后 Tin Hau 3/3/2011 - 30/6/2011 (Thursday........