编辑: 阿拉蕾 | 2019-07-15 |
,也就是说你不能照录音原文做记录,而应在听懂全文后进行归纳,并用自己的话简炼地将要点表达出来. 以下是一篇Compound Dictation的第二部分,划线部分为所缺内容,要求考生根据这部分内容,归纳出要点. In general, when moving about a city at night, it is wise to keep to the more traveled and better lighted streets. If you must travel through areas of a city that are considered dangerous or deserted, you should go by bus or taxi rather than on foot.Avoid parks after dark since they too are likely to be deserted. Some cities have special telephone numbers to report a fire or call the police. You will find these listed in the front of the telephone book and on public telephones. If the number is not posted, you can reach the police or fire department by calling the operator on the telephone.If you have an automobile accident, you should call the police and wait until they arrive. 应写的内容要点: ①A.You shoul go to a dangerous part of a city by bus or taxi instead of going on foot. B.Don'
t go through parks after dark. ②A.Try to have some important telephone numbers in case of danger. B.The other way to get through to the police is to call the operator on the phone. Page 1/3 但也有一种复合式听写是要求考生根据录音写出7个单词和三个完整句子,由于句子不算太复杂,也允许考生根据原 文听写记录. (2)掌握听写的正确方法 我们常常看到很多同学在听写单句时这样做:录音中念第一遍时,他记下这句话的头两个词,当念第二遍时,他再添 上几个听到的词,待到第三遍时,再添上几笔.结果,整个单句的听写变成了单词听写,而全然不知原试句说的是什 么.自然,写出来的句子支离破碎,连他自己也看不明白.这是绝不可取的!做单句听写的正确步骤应当是: ①念第一遍时集中精力仔细听,并立即复述,在复述过程中领会尚未完全理解的句子部分,通过出声复述(不要过大 ,以能让自己听到为宜),让大脑对句子内容加深印象.(注意:此时不忙动笔,而应力求迅速领会.) ②念第二遍时,立即写下你已基本领会的句子.由于这一遍语速较慢,你仍可采用边听、边复述、边记录的方法. ③读第三遍时,仔细核对,看是否有遗漏,并及时修正. 以上方法对听写段落或短文也同样适用,只是后两种在第一步时还须增加一点,就是对文中的关键点(如关键词、耐间、地点、人物、主要观点等)简单做些笔记(当然是在草纸上),这样有助于我们透过这些信息词来整理记忆,理清 头绪. 下面我们着重谈谈Spot?Dictation和Compound Dictation两种题型的应试方法.我们认为做这类听写重点应放在下列几个方面. (1)积极预测 听写部分(除复合式听写的第二部分外)所提供的文字信息往往比所要填入的信息多得多,利用这些已知信息去预测未 知信息,可以大大提高填词的针对性,减少盲目性,争取主动.具体来讲,当播放导言时,利用此间快速抢读全篇给 出的现有文字,了解文章的大致内容,同时预测空格处所填文字是单词、词组还是句子,并确立其词性和基本意义. (2)采用 四边 处理法录音正式开始时,仔细听每个句子,并努力把握全文大意.待播放第二遍时,将注意力集中在空 格部分,迅速听记(边听、边复述、边理解、边记录),遇到生词不必慌张,先记下其首写字母,以帮助稍后联想. (3)仔细核对,以防疏漏 播放第三遍时,检查核对全文,注意单词拼写是否正确,是否存在语法错误.单词拼写 正确与否往往暗示你是否真正听懂.在用自己的话表达句子要点时,应注意语法正确、表达切题. 下面通过实例来说明 积极预测 的好处. On an old-time farm in America there were chickens,(1)?,cows,pigs,and other livestock,but there were very few(2)?.Most of the work was done by the(3)?.farm family with the help of a hired hand ,Some times (4)?laborers were needed in the busy?(5).Horses(6)?about