编辑: 笨蛋爱傻瓜悦 2019-07-15

2018 年2月Journal of Guangdong University of Education Feb.2018 我国民办幼儿园教师待遇保障政策研究 ― ― ―当前改革的特点与完善建议 王默1 ?王彦波2 ?杨冬梅3 (1.香港教育大学 幼儿教育系?香港?2.广东第二师范学院 教育学院?广东 广州 510303? 3.厦门市教育科学研究院?福建 厦门 361000) 摘要:民办幼儿园教师是我国幼儿教师队伍的主力军?其基本待遇的保障?将直接决定我国学 前教育事业的可持续发展? 当前各地在探索提高幼儿教师待遇的政策过程中?形成了依据公办幼 儿园的标准设定基本待遇、明确责任部门的分担机制、教师福利保障因人而异、专业发展权利被纳 入支持体系等特点? 但是由于长期受 身份管理 模式的影响?民办幼儿园教师的待遇问题还未能 得到充分解决? 因此?应进一步确立 缩小并打破身份差别 的改革方向?对普惠性民办幼儿园在 政策上有所倾斜?严把教师准入关?建立待遇保障监督机制? 关键词:民办幼儿园教师?待遇?保障政策 中图分类号:G610 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095~3798(2018)01~0012~06 A Research on the Treatment Security for Private Kindergarten Teachers ― ― ―Characteristics and Perfecting Suggestions of Current Policies WANG Mo1 ? WANG Yanbo2 ? YANG Dongmei3 (1. Department of Early Childhood Education? The Education University of Hong Kong? Hong Kong SAR? 2. School of Education? Guangdong University of Education? Guangzhou? Guangdong? 510303? 3. Xiamen Institute of Education Science Research? Xiamen? Fujian? 361000? P. R. China) Abstract: The number of private kindergarten teachers accounts for a large portion of teaching staff. The sustainability of preschool education in our country is determined by maintaining stability and quality improvement of basic treatment. In the process of exploring policy for improving treatment of temporarily employed kindergarten teachers in different places? several characters? such as private kindergarten teachers share equal pay for equal work as public teachers? responsibility division is clarified and teachers′ salaries insurance varied from division? focusing on professional development rights included in the support system have been accomplished since 2010? after the reconfirmation of pre~school education'

s position and nature. The treatment for private kindergarten teachers such as salary? insurance and professional development has not yet been fully resolved? due to the long ter........
