编辑: lonven 2019-07-16

30470104 机器学习

4 学分

64 学时 Machine learning Machine learning studies how computers can learn from experiences. Combining ideas from theoretical computer science and statistics, researchers have developed many learning methods and their applications to computer vision, bioinformatics, natural language processing etc. are highly successful. Machine learning theory addresses the fundamental problems in learning. It studies the power and theoretical limits of learning. The aim is to provide deep understand of learning and the guidance for the development of practical algorithms.

30470113 高等计算机图形学

3 学分

48 学时 Advanced Computer Graphics 本课程是为清华大学计算机系本科生开设的选修课,旨在介绍计算机图形学的基本概念、理论、方法和系 统,主要内容包括:颜色模型、光照模型、明暗处理、纹理、光线跟踪算法、曲线曲面造型和几何处理等.

30470124 算法设计

4 学分

64 学时 Algorithm Design This course gives an introduction to the basics of algorithm, common algorithm design techniques, and the analysis of running time (complexity). The main contents include: tools of algorithm analysis, divide and conquer algorithms, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms etc. algorithm design techniques, and NP complete, randomized algorithms, approximation algorithms and other advanced topics.

30470134 计算理论

4 学分

64 学时 Theory of Computation This course gives an introduction to the basics of computation theory, including: Finite Automata, Regular language, Pushdown Automata, Context-Free Grammars, Turing machine, undecidablity, and computational intractable topics (NP complete, PSPACE, BPP etc).

30470154 博弈论

4 学分

64 学时 Game Theory It is preferable that students have studied basic linear algebra, and have basic calculus skills. Although this is not required because we will develop the mathematical skills as we introduce the material. This course will serve as an introduction to game theory. We will begin from the very basics of game theory. We will work on important concepts like Nash equilibria, and end with a taste of more advanced subjects like evolutionary game theory and games on graphs.

30470204 近代物理(1)(英)

4 学分

64 学时 Modern Physics (1)(in English) 2014-2015 学年度本科课程介绍 This course will cover the basic formalism and modern applications of optics and atomic physics. In the optics part, we will introduce geometric optics, wave optics, and their applications in the current research frontier such as quantum information science. For the atomic physics part, we will present many interesting experiments performed in early 20th century and explain how these results lead to the modern understanding of atomic structure. Modern applications of optics and atomic physics, such as laser and laser cooling of atoms, will also be discussed.

30470214 近代物理(2) (英)

4 学分

64 学时 Modern Physics(英)(in English) This course provides undergraduate students with background in science and engineering the foundation to understand many key aspects of quantum and statistical physics, which are essential for learning advanced topics such as condensed-matter physics, quantum field theory, and quantum information science. Conceptual understanding of the physical ideas and detailed mathematical derivations will be equally emphasized. Active class participation of students is expected.

30470223 计算机网络基础

3 学分

48 学时 Introduction to Computer Networks This course aims at giving a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of computer networks and network performance analysis. The course contains two parts. The first part covers various networking topics including network principles, Ethernet, WiFi, routing, inter-n........
