编辑: Mckel0ve 2019-07-16

39 No.2

129 文章编号:1000-0747(2012)02-0129-08 中国非常规油气资源与勘探开发前景 ???

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2 ?1. ????????????????2. ?????????????? 基金项目:??????????q??????????????????????????????? r ?2011ZX05043? 摘要:?????Ш???????ē???????Ш?????????ē???????Ш???????????????ēТ?????? Ш???????????????????d??ζ?ē?????Ш???????????ē?????ē???????? ??? 8.8*1012 ?12.1*1012 m3 ē????????? 15*1012 ?25*1012 m3 ē????????? 10.9*1012 m3 ē?? ??????? 13*108 ?14*108 tē???????????? 160*108 tē???????????d????ю??? ?????????c???????ι??????????????ē?????????d????????????????? ??????Ш???????ē????????????????d?? 10?20 ?ē?????Ш?????С????? Щē???Ш?????С?????????????d?

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21 关键词:?Ш??????????????????????????????????? 中图分类号:TE02 文献标识码:A Unconventional hydrocarbon resources in China and the prospect of exploration and development Jia Chengzao1 , Zheng Min2 , Zhang Yongfeng2 (1. China National Petroleum Corporation, Beijing 100724, China;

2. PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration &

Development, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: By analysis of the characteristics of unconventional hydrocarbon resources, this paper assesses the potential for unconventional hydrocarbons in China, summarizes the key technical progress in exploration and development, and discusses the prospects and developing strategies of unconventional hydrocarbons. The resources of unconventional oil and gas in China are abundant. The recoverable tight gas is 8.8*1012 12.1*1012 m3 , the recoverable shale gas is 15*1012 25*1012 m3 , the recoverable coalbed methane is 10.9*1012 m3 , the recoverable tight oil is 13*108 14*108 t, and the recoverable shale oil is 160*108 t. There is also some resource potential for oil sand. Such key techniques as the full-digital seismic exploration technique, low permeability and low resistivity reservoir identification technique have been developed and their applications in oil and gas fields obtained good results. Tight gas and tight oil are the most realistic to develop in China, and the development and utilization of coalbed methane and shale gas just begins. In the next ten or twenty years, the production of unconventional hydrocarbons in China will increase remarkably and play an important role in national hydrocarbon resources. Key words: unconventional hydrocarbon;

resource potential;

exploration and development technology;

tight gas;

tight oil;

shale gas;

coalbed methane

0 引言 随着油气勘探开发的不断深入发展,致密气、页 岩气、煤层气、致密油等非常规油气在现有经济技术 条件下展示了巨大的潜力,全球油气资源将迎来二次 扩展.页岩气、致密气的发展,使美国天然气探明储 量从

2002 年的 4.96*1012 m3 增加到

2008 年的 6.86*1012 m3 ,增幅超过38%[1] .中国的非常规油气资源也十分丰 富,页岩气、致密气、致密油、油页岩、油砂、煤层 气等开发利用潜力巨大[2-3] ;

但中国非常规油气具有地 质研究起步较晚,资源潜力认识不清,开发技术相对 落后等特征. 本文基于非常规油气的特点,对中国非常规油气 资源潜力进行初步评价,并总结近年来中国非常规油 气勘探开发技术进展,结合勘探开发现状,提出未来 中国非常规油气的发展前景与勘探战略.

1 非常规油气特点 非常规油气资源大面积分布,不受水动力效应的 明显影响(也称为?连续型沉积矿ā) ,包括煤层气、 致密气、页岩气、天然气水合物、天然沥青和油页岩 等[4-5] .非常规油气有别于常规油气,主要在沉积盆地
