编辑: 笨蛋爱傻瓜悦 | 2019-08-29 |
8% , 23% and 14% of respective government agen- cies at three levels (province, city and county) Have made sure only licensed software running on their computers. 23,100 companies were listed in the objective of using only licensed software, 15,300 of which had achieved the target. 2.31 万家 截至目前袁中国省尧市尧县三级政 府机关中完成正版化任务的比例分 别为 25.8%尧23%尧14%遥中国累计列入 年度完成使用正版软件工作目标企 业达到 2.31 万家袁 累计完成软件正 版化企业约 1.53 万家遥 348,381 In 2011, Jiangsu filed 348,381 patent applications including 84,678 invention patent applications, up 47.69% and 68.35% respectively. 34.8381 万件
2011 年袁 江苏省提交的专利申 请达 34.8381 万件袁 比2010 年增长 47.69%遥发明专利申请量达 8.4678 万 件袁同比增长 68.35%遥5,784 In 2011, Heilongjiang province filed 23,432 patent applications and obtained 12,236 patents, up 128% and 80.5% respectively. By the end of December 2011, Heilongjiang had housed 5,784 valid inventions, up 32.6%.
5784 件2011 年袁 黑龙江省提交的专利 申请总 计2.3432 万件 袁同比增 长128%袁授权专利总计 1.2236 万件袁同 比增长 80.5%遥截至
2011 年12 月袁黑 龙江省有效发明专利
5784 件袁 同比 增长 32.6%遥17,100 As of the end of December 2011, Yunan had filed 17,100 appli- cations for trademark registration and added 10,200 registered trademarks to boost its total deposit to 54,800. 1.71 万件 截至
2011 年12 月底袁云南省共 提交商标注册申请 1.71 万件袁 新增 注册商标 1.02 万件袁 有效注册商标 总数达 5.48 万件遥 E ven as foreign companies and the White House pres- sure China to crack down on fake products, consumers are show- ing the nation'
s growing taste for the real thing. A survey last year by China Market Research found that 95% of Chinese women between
28 and
35 said they would be embar- rassed to carry counterfeit handbags. And demand for fakes has declined, with 15% of consumers willing to buy fake clothing and leather goods in 2010, down from 31% in 2008, according to a survey by consulting firm McKinsey &
Co. (Chinese Shoppers Lose Taste for Fakes, by The Wall Street Journal) 当外国公司和美国白宫一直对 中国打击假冒伪劣产品施加压力时袁 中国消费者也越来越显示出这个国 家对真货的品位遥 去年来自野中国市 场研究冶的调查发现袁95% 的28 岁到
35 岁中国妇女表示她们会对购买冒 牌手袋感到不好意思遥 同时袁对假货 的需求在下降袁麦肯锡咨询公司调查 显示袁愿意购买假冒服装和皮革制品 的消费者比例袁从
2008 年的 31% 下 降到
2010 年的 15%遥 渊野中国购物者 不再对假货感兴趣冶袁华尔街日报冤 Comment: Western society has been critical on the Chinese intellectual property issue, while at the same time they have to recognize the efforts made by China. Chinese consumers'
atti- tudes are changing, fueling the ex- pansion plans of foreign companies in China. In these companies'
opin- ion, consumers in China are even more discerning than their counter- parts in the Western world. 点评院 尽管西方社会对中国知识产权 问题一直颇为挑剔袁但他们自己也 不得不承认中国所做出的努力遥 中 国消费者态度的转变袁刺激了外国 公司在中国的扩张计划遥 在他们眼 里袁中国消费者甚至比西方消费者 更加挑剔遥 W hile China hasn爷t yet experienced 野a true in- novation revolution,冶it will over time evolve from a coun- try of incremental innovation based on technology transfers to one where breakthrough innovation is common. The government will play a powerful role in that process, but ultimately it will be the actions of domestic companies and multina- tionals that dictate the pace of change and determine who leads it, reports McKinsey in the latest issue of its business journal. (Chinese In鄄novation to Fuel Global Competition: McKinsey, by www.advisorone.com) 麦肯锡公司在其最新发布的商 业杂志中说袁虽然中国还没有经历过 野一个真正的创新革命袁冶但随着时间 的推移袁它将从一个善于以技术转移 为基础的增量创新的国家成长为一 个突破性创新成为寻常的国家遥 政府 将在这一进程中发挥强有力的作用袁 但最终这个任务将由国内外企业完 成遥 企业将成为这一进程的主导遥 渊野麦肯锡院中国创新推动全球创新冶袁 顾问者网站冤 Comment: While the leader of China visits the U.S., McKinsey &