编辑: sunny爹 | 2012-12-15 |
及2. 当技术备忘录要求有监工计划书时 ,现呈交经修订的监工计划书. I, 1. confirm that I have been appointed as the authorized person or registered inspector/Chief Professional in Housing Department (only applicable where the works are a prescribed repair or any associated demolition works) in the place of the original appointed person for the Class I minor works detailed in the submission with the above mentioned submission number;
and 2. where supervision plan is required by the technical memorandum, submit herewith a revised supervision plan. 注册证明书编号* Certificate of RegistrationNumber*# 联络电话 Contact Tel. No. 传真号码* Fax No.* / 注册届满日期* Date of Expiry of Registration*# 日dd 月mm 年yyyy 认可人士或注册检验人员签署* Signature of the Authorized Person or Registered Inspector* 任何失实核证或声明可引致法律行动.## Any false certification or declaration may be subject to legal action.## 日期 Date 日dd 月mm 年yyyy 乙部 认可人士或注册检验人员/房屋署总专业人士的委任确认书 Part B Confirmation of Appointment by the Authorized Person or Registered Inspector/Chief Professional in Housing Department Form ICU MW08 (03/2019) ## 任何人如作出虚假声明或就重要事项作出失实陈述即属触犯刑事罪行, 可能会被检控. 1. 若有关小型工程涉及在楼宇公用地方进行建筑工程,订明注册承建商应留 意有关楼宇租约中的相关条文,并於展开工程前通知有关楼宇的物业管理 处. 2. 订明注册承建商应采取合适的措施,以确保妥善处置有关的建筑废料. 3. 为减少招牌灯光引至的光污染及减低其能源消耗,认可人士及申请人须参 考由环境局、环境保护署及机电工程署联合发出的《户外灯光装置业界良 好作业指引》,并可在环境局的网址下载: http://www.enb.gov.hk/entxt/resources_publications/ guidelines/files/guidelines_ex_lighting_install_eng.pdf Any person making a false declaration or misrepresenting a materialfact shall be guilty of a criminal offence and subject to prosecution. 1. If the minor works involve building works in the common parts of a building, the prescribed registered contractor is advised to pay attention to the relevant conditions in the Tenancy Agreement of th........