编辑: AA003 | 2015-03-17 |
103 104
103 USA Cab A 2.32 3.24 7.69 21.9 92.7
1085 98.1 USA Cab B 2.31 3.25 7.42 22.1 93.9
102 98.8 AR Chard 1.65 2.61 6.69 21.0 95.5
101 96.7 AU Chard 2.92 3.91 7.86 23.6 99.2 98.8
103 USA Chard A 1.68 2.67 6.62 21.3 98.7 98.8 98.1 USA Chard B 1.16 2.15 6.17 21.0 99.5
100 99.3 USA Zin 2.80 3.77 7.70 23.7 97.6 98.1
104 * = 5X Online Dilution Table6.Ironinwine(regulatedlimit=8mg/L). Wine Measured Conc. (mg/L) Measured Spikes Spike Recoveries % 1.0 mg/L 4.0 mg/L 10.0 mg/L * 1.0 mg/L 4.0 mg/L 10.0 mg/L * AR Cab 1.36 2.31 5.20 11.0 95.0 95.9 96.0 AU Cab 1.93 2.90 6.07 12.3 97.1
104 104 USA Cab A 1.51 2.45 5.41 11.0 94.3 97.6 94.7 USA Cab B 1.50 2.45 5.45 10.9 94.5 98.8 93.9 AR Chard 1.01 1.98 5.03 10.5 97.2
101 94.4 AU Chard 2.09 3.07 6.29 12.4 97.2
105 103 USA Chard A 1.07 2.04 5.05 10.6 97.2 99.6 95.6 USA Chard B 0.968 1.94 4.96 10.8 97.1 99.8 97.8 USA Zin 1.67 2.66 5.85 11.9 98.6
105 102 * = 5X Online Dilution Table7.Manganeseinwine(regulatedlimit=2mg/L). 表6. 葡萄酒样中的铁 (法规限值 =
8 mg/L). 表7. 葡萄酒样中的锰 (法规限值 =
2 mg/L).
3 Tables 5-7 show the results for the analyses for copper, iron, and manganese, respectively. The results indicate that the wines are under the regulatory limits with the exception of the Australian chardonnay which is over the limit for manganese. From the limited samples analyzed, it appears that the
2 mg/L specification for manganese could be a critical parameter for qualification of a wine for importation into China. Spike recoveries for all elements are within 10% of the spiked values, even when spiked at or below half the regulated values and when diluted via the in-line dilution capability of the FAST Flame
2 sample automation accessory, demonstrating the excellent accuracy needed to ensure successful analysis. The addition of the FAST Flame
2 accessory reduced the creation of standards from one intermediate and three final standards to a single intermediate standard with a commensurate reduction in human error during standard creation. The FAST Flame
2 accessory was also able to react to the over-range spikes and auto-dilute the samples accurately and consistently without interaction from an analyst, saving time and eliminating additional sample handling and re-prep. These results demonstrate the robustness and acc........