编辑: 捷安特680 | 2015-03-25 |
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2002 of dissolved acetylene safety published by Acetylene Industry Co., Ltd. Kanto for this FTA study. A FTA program developed by Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Taiwan has been used to calculate the probability of accident. Results show that no high hazard rating of
1 or
2 is found by HAZOP, indicating that related safety measures have been added while designing the process, total nine recommendations for correction have been suggested. FTA results show the failure combination of 5.240E-005 is the breakdown of the nitrogen spurt or calcium carbide hit the metal wall when it added in and of 2.120E-005 which people fail to follow the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) to measure the purity of calcium carbide or the breakdown of scrubber. The fault frequency of 1.050E-001 can be reduced to 1.050E-002 when the rubber space on the added-in and/or use the anti-impact material is added and the failure combination will be reduced from 5.240E-005 to 5.240E-006. Also, IV the fault frequency of 1.060E-002 can be reduced to 1.060E-003 if the efficiency is improved or the blockage of the scrubber is decreased. Thus, the failure combination will be reduced from 2.120E-005 to 2.120E-006. Both corrections can approximately reach a standard liability of 1.0E-006 (times/year), which can reach an inherently safer state and possess acceptable risk in a traditional acetylene plant. Key words: calcium carbide, Acetylene, Hazard and Operability Study ( HAZOP), Fault Tree Analysis ( FTA) V 志谢本?文能顺利完成,如愿完成硕士专班学业圆硕士梦,特别要感谢我 的指导教授 许锦明博士用心指导,在研究历程中谆谆教诲,明确指引论 文的研究方向,细心教导、明确修正及给予新的思维和目标,?时的讨? 并指点我正确的方向,在此致上由衷感激与敬意. 此外,特别感谢国立云林科技大学 徐启铭教授、嘉南药理科技大学 江N修教授及 黄小林教授於百忙之中抽空?与?文指导及口试审查,并 提供相当宝贵的意?,促使本硕士?文?臻完整性,谨此致上由衷的谢意. 感谢嘉南药理科技大学及产业安全卫生与防灾研究所提供进修研究的 机会,并提供失误树分析套装软体INERFT.在研究过程中,台湾区高压气 体工业同业公会林义一先生、核能研究所吴景辉先生协助提供本论文所需 要的资料、指导与建议,使本?文得以顺?如期完成. 就?期间承蒙内人 怡伶费心家事照顾幼小,使自己得以将重心摆在工 作与课业上.仅以此论文献给我最挚爱的家人、朋友,并与所有帮助我的 人分享这份喜悦. 杨礼彬 谨致於 嘉南药理科技大学 产业安全卫生与防灾研究所 VI 总目录 摘要.I ABSTRACT.III 志谢.V 总目录.VI 表目录.IX 图目录.XII 附录目录.XIII
第一章 绪论.1 1-1 研究动机及背景.1 1-2 研究目的.2 1-3 研究方法.3
第二章 文献回顾.4 2-1 电石 (Calcium Carbide)4 2-2 乙炔 (Acetylene)7 2-3 灾害案例整理及分析.13 2-3-1 事故发生状况
13 VII 2-3-2 发生时期
19 2-3-3 事故时之压力
20 2-3-4 事故处所(原因)20 2-4 风险评估技术概述.23 2-5 安全评估之方法.28 2-5-1 初步危害分析 (Preliminary Hazard Analysis, PHA)28 2-5-2 检核表分析法 (Checklist Analysis)30 2-5-3 如果-结果分析 (What If Analysis)33 2-5-4 危害与可操作性分析(Hazard and Operability Studies, HAZOP)35 2-5-5 失误树分析(Fault Tree Analysis, FTA)41 2-5-6 失误模式与影响分析 (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, FMEA)
第三章 研究方法与评估技术.45 3-1 研究方法及流程.45 3-2 制程说明.47 3-3 评估技术.49 3-3-1 初步危害分析 (PHA)49 3-3-2 危害与可操作性分析 (HAZOP)53 3-3-3 失误树分析 (FTA)57 VIII