编辑: yn灬不离不弃灬 2015-08-25

0 = Disables the Timer0 interrupt

4 INTE INTE: PA2/INT External Interrupt Enable bit 外部中断使能

1 = Enables the PA2/INT external interrupt

0 = Disables the PA2/INT external interrupt

3 PAIE PAIE: PORTA Change Interrupt Enable bit(1)

1 = Enables the PORTA change interrupt

0 = Disables the PORTA change interrupt

2 T0IF T0IF: Timer0 Overflow Interrupt Flag bit(2) 定时器0溢出中断标 志位

1 = Timer0 register has overflowed (must be cleared in software)

0 = Timer0 register did not overflow

1 INTF INTF: PA2/INT External Interrupt Flag bit 外部中断标志位

1 = The PA2/INT external interrupt occurred (must be cleared in software)

0 = The PA2/INT external interrupt did not occur

0 PAIF PAIF: PORTA Change Interrupt Flag bit

1 = When at least one of the PORTA pins changed state (must be cleared in software)

0 = None of the PORTA pins have changed state 2.1.7. PIR1 寄存器,地址 0x0C Bit

7 6

5 4

3 2

1 0 Name EEIF CKMEAIF - - - - TMR2IF - Reset

0 0 - - - -

0 - Bit Name Function

7 EEIF EEIF: EE写中断标志位

1 = EE 写操作完成 (必须软件清零)

0 = EE 写操作未完成

6 CKMEAIF CKMEAIF: 快时钟测量慢时钟操作完成中断标志位

1 = 快时钟测量慢时钟操作完成 (必须软件清零)

0 = 快时钟测量慢时钟未完成

5 - -

4 - -

3 - -

2 - -

1 TMR2IF TMR2IF:........
