编辑: 252276522 2015-12-23
Terms and Conditions of Purchase- Bosch China [采购通则――博世(中国)] Version 2016.


1 1. General 总则 Our Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply exclusively;

Business terms and conditions of the Supplier conflicting with or Supplier'

s deviating from our Terms and Conditions of Purchase are only recognized insofar as we expressly agreed to them in writing. Acceptance or payment of goods and services from the Supplier (hereinafter referred to as Products) does not constitute agreement even if the acceptance or payment is made with knowledge of conflicting or supplementary terms and conditions of contract of the Supplier. Similarly, any terms and conditions of contract of the supplier previously agreed upon that conflict with or supplement these Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall no longer be recognized. 我方采购通则应被排他性适用,供应商与我方采购通则相冲突的商业条件与条款或供应商对我方采购通则的偏离,我 方不予认可,除非经我方书面明确同意.接受或就供应商的货物或服务(以下简称 产品 )付款并不构成我方的同 意,即使该接受或付款是在知晓与我方采购通则冲突或补充的供应商合同条件与条款的情况下作出的.同样,供应商 与我方之前同意的与我方采购通则冲突或补充的任何供应商合同的条件与条款应不予被认可. 2. Conclusion of and Modifications to Contract 合同的订立和修改 2.1 Orders, Contracts and order releases as well as modifications and supplements thereto must be placed and made in writing. 订单、合同订立以及订单的下达及其修改和补充均须以书面形式作出和进行. 2.2 Oral agreements of any kind C including subsequent modifications and supplements to our Terms and Conditions of Purchase must be confirmed by us in writing to become effective. 任何形式的口头协议――包括对我方采购通则后续的修改与补充,都必须经我方书面确认后方能生效. 2.3 The written form requirement is also deemed complied with if communications are sent by remote data transmission or facsimile transmission. 通过电子数据交换或传真的方式进行的交流也视为符合书面形式要求. 2.4 Cost estimates are binding and are not to be compensated unless otherwise expressly agreed by us. 除非我方明确同意,预计成本具有约束力,且无须予以补偿. 2.5 We are entitled to cancel the order if the Supplier does not accept the order within two weeks of receipt thereof. 如果供应商在收到订单的两周内没有接受订单,我方有权取消订单. 2.6 Call-off Order releases within the framework of order and call-off order release planning become binding if the Supplier does not object within two working days of receipt thereof. 凡在订单和分订单下达计划框架内下达的分订单,如供应商在收到订单下达后的两个工作日内没有书面提出反对意见 的,则订单生效. 2.7 The Packaging Specifications and the Logistics Manual of Robert Bosch GmbH form shall apply (can be viewed in the download area of Purchasing and Logistics at www.bosch.com. 罗伯特・博世有限公司的包装规格和物流手册应适用(详见网址 www.bosch.com 中的采购与物流下载区域). 3. Delivery 交付 3.1 Deliveries deviating from our Contracts and orders are only admissible if our prior written approval is given. 若提供的货物与我方合同和订单约定不符,则仅在我方事先书面同意的情况下才予认可. Terms and Conditions of Purchase- Bosch China [采购通则――博世(中国)] Version 2016.03
