编辑: ok2015 2016-06-18

31 May

2012 attributable to the 25% equity interests in Chaoyang Century being sold by the Group. The actual amount of gain or loss on the Chaoyang Disposal shall depend on the actual financial information of Chaoyang Century as at the date of completion of the Chaoyang Disposal. The proceeds from the Chaoyang Disposal will be used as general working capital of the Group. ―

6 ― Conditions precedent and completion Each of the Chaoyang Disposal Agreements shall take effect upon obtaining (i) the approval by 朝 阳市对外贸易经济合作局 (Chaoyang City Bureau of Foreign Trade &

Economic Cooperation*);

(ii) the approval by any relevant authorities of the respective parties (including the approval by the independent Shareholders of the Company) and (iii) the signing of the agreements with the company chops by the authorised persons of the respective parties. The Chaoyang Disposal Agreements were signed by the authoris........
