编辑: 252276522 2018-03-15
高雄港货柜码头营运现况分析 Operational Performance of Container Terminals at the Port of Kaohsiung 王怡婷(Y.

-T. Wang)* 摘要 为 t解高雄港各货柜码头的营运现况,例如:泊靠艘数、运能变化、海 运联盟间码头靠泊情形,本研究藉L集高雄港各码头靠泊资料,停泊 之航线、船舶数及船舶运能状态,检视各专用码头的经营效率及其竞争状 态,并分析各联盟航商间码头共用现况,及海运联盟对航商租赁码头意愿的 影响.结果发现,部分专用码头存在使用效率低且该租赁航商自行派船停靠 数亦极少,须观察未来可能淡化在台转运及航线配置的可能性.在航商选择 靠泊其联盟码头行为,仅经营主航线时航商会选择以其所属联盟关系之码头 进行靠泊,区域航线此现象并不明显.另外,在联盟合作体制下,可能引致 航商租用专用码头诱因淡化,但对无参与联盟之航商,如能给予适当诱因, 可能增加参与营运之意愿. 关键字:高雄港、专用货柜码头、海运联盟、码头共用 Abstract This study has collected the historical data from vessel traffic database of major container terminals in the port of Kaohsiung, including the three geographical regions the vessel served (i.e. main trunk services, intra-regional services, and the across-Taiwan Strait/Hong Kong services), the terminals of calls in Kaohsiung and the size of the container vessels visit the terminals, to analyze the operational 航运季刊第二十四卷 第一期 民国104年3月页45~页59 Maritime Quarterly Vol.

24 No.

1 March

2015 pp. 45C59 * 交通部运输研究所助理研究员;

联络地址:105 台北市敦化北路

240 号9楼;

电话:02- 23496822;

E-mail: [email protected].

46 ef?ciency and competitive situation among these dedicated container terminals. In addition, current container terminals-sharing situation is reviewed and the impact of the prevalence of shipping alliances on current terminals lessees is also analyzed. The results reveal that some ocean carriers-operated dedicated terminals operators have not performed ef?ciently as it is evidenced by the low amount of their own ships called at their own container terminals in Kaohsiung. It should be cautiously monitor whether or not these terminal operators will reduce their transshipments traffics in Taiwan and exclude the Kaohsiung port from their voyage routings. Further, only ocean container carriers engage in main trunk services have used the dedicated terminals owned by their alliances members, but the terminal sharing between alliance members is not popular when ocean container carriers are engaged in intra-regional services. The prevalence of shipping alliance would possibly reduce the ocean container carriers, intention to rent the container terminals at the Port of Kaohsiung. However, it is suggested that the Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. should provide incentives for the non-allianced ocean container carriers to attract them to lease and operate their dedicated container terminal in Kaohsiung. Keywords: Port of Kaohsiung, Dedicated terminals, Shipping alliance, Terminal sharing 壹、绪论

1970 年代,全球货柜运量开始蓬勃 发展,高雄港货柜吞吐量也因而持续成 长,然而随著全球经贸版图的变动,再加 上我国产业适逢转型之际,造成对外贸易 货品种类与运输需求型态随之变动,又加 上邻近亚洲国家纷纷打造深水货柜码头等 种种因素,都已逐步影响高雄港在全球及 区域航线上的枢纽地位,根瞎骋 与发展会议 (United of Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD, 2014) 海洋运输回顾报告中全球货柜港排名,高 雄港已自
