编辑: 此身滑稽 2018-10-07

/or sub-cardholder &

/or his/her legal estate a benefit in accordance with extent of coverage under each benefits items and up to the maximum sum insured set forth under the Schedule of Benefits of this insurance policy. It shall be a condition precedent to the liability of the Insurer herein that the credit cardholder/ sub-cardholder / Insured Person shall observe fulfill and be subject to the terms conditions limitations and exceptions of this Policy insofar as the aforesaid benefits can apply. WHAT IS NOT COVERED It is understood that the benefits set out under this insurance policy is subject to certain limitations. You can make reference to the provisions of each benefit section and general exclusions section of the original policy for full information. WHO ARE INSURER AND INSURED This insurance policy is underwritten by China BOCOM Insurance Co., Ltd. The credit card issue Bank Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) Limited is the Policyholder of this insurance policy. It is understood and agreed that Bank of Communications has no liability &

/or obligation for any matters relating to any insurance cover interpretation, claims handling and other related services providing to the cardholder under this insurance policy. TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE PART I C DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE SECTION

1 C ACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISABLEMENT If during the period of insurance the Insured Person sustains an Injury in the course of a Trip which shall within twelve (12) months from the date of Accident result in death or disablement as listed under the following compensation table 1, We shall pay the Insured Person or the Insured Person'

s legal estate a benefit in accordance with the Percentage of Sum Insured stated in such table. EXPOSURE If during the period of insurance, by reason of any Accident, the Insured Person is unavoidably exposed to the elements in the course of a Trip and as a direct and unavoidable result of such exposure sustain death or disablement within twelve (12) months from the date of Accident, We shall pay the Insured Person or the Insured Person'

s estate a benefit in accordance with the Percentage of the Sum Insured stated in compensation table

1 DISAPPEARANCE If during the period of insurance, the body of the Insured Person has not been found within twelve (12) months after the date of the disappearance, sinking or wrecking of an aircraft or other conveyance either on ground or at sea in which the Insured Person was travelling in the course of a Trip, it shall be presumed that the Insured Person suffered death resulting from an Accident. In such circumstances, We shall pay the Insured Person'

s estate a benefit in accordance with the Percentage of the Sum Insured of Event

1 stated in compensation table 1, subject to the receipt of a signed undertaking by the personal representative(s) of the Insured Person'

s estate that any such payment shall be refunded to Us if it is later discovered that the Insured Person did not suffer death as a result of the Accident. EXTENSION This section extends to cover any Injury sustained by the Insured Person during the following periods. (i) Travelling directly from the Insured Person'

s place of residence or regular employment to the immigration counter in the Stationed Location within four (4) hours before the scheduled departure time of the Common Carrier in which he/she has arranged to travel for the purpose of starting a Trip;

and (ii) Travelling directly from the immigration counter in the Stationed Location to the Insured Person'
