编辑: 人间点评 | 2019-01-13 |
米特-霍恩模型 中图分类号:D62
2 Abstract Setting up Areas under Special Customs Supervision is regarded as a public policy. Reviewing the effectiveness of public policy implementation, and the relevant theories of Areas under Special Customs Supervision, the thesis tries to interpret the concept and connotation of policy implementation and execution efficiency, and regards Policy Implementation Effectiveness as the matching degree of policy objectives and results, and then defines the concept of Policy Implementation Effectiveness of Areas under Special Customs Supervision , which can be divided into four types : Execution Completely Matching, Execution Completely not Matching, Execution Partially Matching, Execution Result Deviating. Based on the above theories, this thesis classifies and compares four models of public policy implementation process , discussing the factors that may influence the effectiveness of policy implementation, and puts forward that there are four factors influencing the special regional policy implementation effectiveness: Public Policy Itself, The Ratio of Public Resources, Transversal and Longitudinal Network Structured Executive Body and Its Execution Behavior, Economic Society and Political Environment. On the basis of the above theory analysis, selecting the Meter-Horn model , this thesis takes Zhuhai-Macau Cross-border Industrial Zone as a case, and tries to evaluate the effectiveness of public policy implementation, summarize the problems in the process of policy implementation, and analyze the reasons of implementation matters of the policy of Zhuhai-Macau Cross-border Industrial Zone, based on the analysis of the four factors which affect the Policy Implementation Effectiveness. Then , the thesis makes a summarization on the basis of empirical analysis, determining the type of Policy Implementation Effectiveness of Zhuhai-Macau Cross-border Industrial Zone , exploring the relationship of the four factors and the objective and result of public policy, as well as the mutual relationship of the four factors, and concludes that the transversal and longitudinal network structured Executive Body is the key factor which affects the implementation of public policy of special area, and that the other three factors restrict and affect the effective playing of that factor. Finally, on the basis of an empirical analysis on Cross-border Industrial Zone,,
the thesis tries to find three methods of promoting Policy
3 Implementation Effectiveness of Areas under Special Customs Supervision, provide practical suggestions on transformation and upgrading of Cross-border Industrial Zone, and suggestions for government making similar public decisions. Keywords : Areas under Special Customs Supervision, Policy Implementation, Effectiveness,Meter-Horn Model CLC:D62
第一章 导论公共政策的研究起始于
20 世纪
60 年代的美国,学者们起初认为:公共政策 一旦按照法定程序获得批准,只要配以相应的人力、物力,就会按照既定的轨道 执行,顺理成章地达成目标.然而,政府部门的长期实践却不断挑战这一认知: 绝大多数公共政策结果均与目标之间存在偏差,有的偏离轨道,有的甚至南辕北 辙.公共政策越来越面临一个困境: 策略雷同而绩效为何大不相同 .
1 政策 执行的有效性研究成为公共政策领域的一个焦点议题.
1990 年,国家设立第一个海关特殊监管区域――上海外高桥保税区(2013 年9月已成为中国(上海)自由贸易试验区