编辑: 人间点评 2019-02-19

2011 2.4 实质薪?指? (甲) 及实质薪?指? (乙) 是从相应的名义薪?指?扣除丙?消费物价 指?的变动而编制.名义薪?指???以币值 计算的薪??变动情况,实质薪?指?则用? ??所赚取的薪?在购买?方面的变动情况. 2.4 The Real Salary Index (A) and the Real Salary Index (B) are compiled by deflating the corresponding nominal indices by the Consumer Price Index (C). While the nominal salary indices measure changes in salary rates in money terms, the real salary indices are designed to measure changes in the purchasing power of salaries earned. 3. 按选定的?业主?分析的薪?变动 情况 3. Salary Movements by Selected Industry Section 3.1 表一及表二分别载?二??四?至二? 一??期间按选定的?业主?分析的名义薪 ?指?(甲)及名义薪?指?(乙).反映所 有涵盖的?业主?的综合情况的整体名义薪 ?指?(甲)及整体名义薪?指?(乙)在同 期间的按?变动?则载?於图一. 3.1 The Nominal Salary Indices (A) and (B) analysed by selected industry section for

2004 to

2010 are given in Table

1 and Table

2 respectively. The year-on-year rates of change of the overall Nominal Salary Indices (A) and (B) for the same period, which reflect the overall situation in all the industry sections covered, are presented in Chart 1. 表一 二??四?至二?一??按选定的?业主?分析的名义薪?指?(甲) Table

1 Nominal Salary Index (A) Analysed by Selected Industry Section,

2004 to

2010 (一九九五??月=100) (June

1995 = 100) 选定的?业主? 平均每? 变动百分? Selected industry section

2004 2005

2006 2007

2008 2009

2010 Average annual % change 制造、电?及燃气供应 108.6 109.0 112.6 113.9 117.3 116.2 117.5 +1.3 Manufacturing, electricity and gas supply (N.A.) (+0.4) (+3.3) (+1.1) (+3.0) (-0.9) (+1.1) ?宇建筑、建造及有关?业 100.2 99.9 102.4 105.2 113.6 113.0 116.9 +2.6 Building and construction and related trades (N.A.) (-0.3) (+2.5) (+2.8) (+8.0) (-0.5) (+3.4) 进出口贸?、批发及?售 120.5 121.4 122.4 127.1 130.8 127.4 129.8 +1.3 Import/export, wholesale and retail trades (N.A.) (+0.7) (+0.8) (+3.8) (+3.0) (-2.6) (+1.9) 运输、仓库、通讯及??代? 117.5 118.8 118.8 121.4 122.3 120.8 123.6 +0.8 Transportation, storage, communications and travel agencies (N.A.) (+1.1) (+0.1) (+2.1) (+0.8) (-1.3) (+2.3) ?融及保险 123.5 123.1 130.3 135.5 146.5 141.1 145.8 +2.8 Financing and insurance (N.A.) (-0.3) (+5.8) (+4.0) (+8.1) (-3.7) (+3.3) 所有选定?业主? 117.4 117.8 120.6 124.7 130.6 127.1 130.3 +1.8 All selected........
