编辑: 王子梦丶 2019-03-22

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3 Department of Human Services ? 你和/或你的配偶所做过的工作 ? 你的雇主 ? 工作起止时间 ? 该段时间内的总收入 ? 能够申报的可扣除项目详情 (即Australian Taxation Office 所允许的可扣除项目) 你需要提供材料以供核实,材料可包括工资单、发票簿、个人年终收入证书、损益表、工资 簿、银行账单、工作时间表以及雇主的信. 如何了解更多情况 用英语之外的语言和我们联系 顾客关系部 TTY*问询 TTY*顾客关系部

131 202 Freecall ?

1800 132

468 Freecall ?

1800 810

586 Freecall ?

1800 000

567 *TTY 仅限聋哑人或有听力/发音障碍的人使用,使用这项服务需要有一部 TTY 电话机. 如果需要有关其他语言的信息,请访问 humanservices.gov.au. 注: 在澳大利亚任何地方用住宅电话拨打

13 开头的电话收费都是固定的.话费可能是 一个当地电话费用,也会因不同的电话公司 而有不同的收费.在住宅拨打

1800 开头的 号码是免费的.用公共电话或手机拨打可能会按时计费,话费会更高. 免责声明 本发行物中的信息仅仅旨在就 支付补助津贴和服务项目提供指导.是否想申请某种补助以 及是否递交申请完全是个人根据自己的情况而做出的决定. 本信息在

2012 年6月份是正确 的.如果你在该日期后再使用公布的这些信息,请与我们联系以确定信息详情有无变化. LW009.1206 PAGE

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3 Are you a seasonal, contract or casual (intermittent) worker? What is seasonal, contract or casual (intermittent) work? Seasonal work is any work that is only available for a part (or parts) of the year, each year. Many fishing, agricultural and tourism jobs are seasonal. Contract work is any work that is performed under a contract for a specific function and/or period including sub-contract work. Casual work (or intermittent work) is work that is available from time to time, can reasonably be predicted to end or not be available for a period, is less than a year in duration and does not accrue leave entitlements. Examples of seasonal, contract and casual work can include: ? fruit picking ? harvesting ? shearing ? fishing ? consultancy work ? work performed under a contract for a specific function and/or period, including sub-contracts ? work in an industry affected by shutdowns ? work on building sites ? work that is affected by regular shutdowns―such as work in factories that temporarily shut down for the Christmas period, or for regular maintenance ? work in the arts and entertainment industries ? work that stops and starts with regularity―such as work in the mining or oil industry ? work that is less than one year in duration and does not accrue leave entitlements ? work that is known to be temporary ? relief teaching or work in the health industry ? non-ongoing work, or work where a period of unemployment is predictable. What is a Seasonal Work Preclusion Period? If you are a seasonal, contract or casual worker, you may have a Seasonal Work Preclusion Period applied to your payment. This means you may have a waiting period applied when you make a claim for a Centrelink payment. These payments include: ? Austudy ? Carer Payment ? Disability Support Pension (except customers who are permanently blind) ? Newstart Allowance ? Parenting Payment ? Partner Allowance ? Sickness Allowance ? Special Benefit (nominated visa holders only) ? Widow Allowance ? Youth Allowance. ARE YOU A SEASONAL, CONTRACT OR CASUAL (INTERMITTENT) WORKER? LW009.1206 PAGE
