编辑: 丑伊 2019-04-16

特别是在编写文章的过程中,又得到了广西壮族自治区地震局游象照先生的大力支 持和帮助,在此一并表示衷心的感谢! 参考文献 董瑞树,周庆,冉洪流,2007.历史地震考察中历史资料辨伪与查证.震灾防御技术,2(1) :50-57. 傅玉章,傅正,2003.明清史学史.安徽:安徽大学出版社. 封开县地方志编纂委员会,1998. 封开县志.广州:人民出版社. 顾功叙,1983.中国地震目录.北京:地震出版社. 国家地震局,1977.中国地震简目.北京:地震出版社. 国家地震局震害防御司,1995.中国历史强震目录.北京:地震出版社. 国家地震局地球物理研究所,1983.地震工作手册.北京:地震出版社. 广西地方志编委会,1990.广西通志・地震志.南宁:广西人民出版社. 广西壮族自治区通志馆,1988.广西方志提要.广西:广西人民出版社. 广西地震局历史地震小组,1982.广西地震志.南宁:广西人民出版社. 纪昀,1987.钦定《续文献通考》 .上海:上海古籍出版社. 李治安,汪晓欣,1989.元史学概论.天津:天津教育出版社. 宋濂(明) ,1966.元史・地理志.北京:中华出版局. 王圻,1986.续文献通考.北京:现代出版社. 中央地震工作小组办公室,1971.中国地震目录.北京:地震出版社.

1 期 袁媛等:1318 年广西平南地震考证

103 The Verification of

1318 Pingnan Earthquake, Guangxi Province Yuan Yuan1) , Dong Ruishu2) , Yu Hongmei2) and Du Long3) 1)Earthquake Administration of Guangxi Zhuang Nationality Autonomous Region, Nanning 530022, China 2)Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China 3)Nuclear Project Design Ltd. of Guangdong Province, Shenzhen 518057, China Abstract Based on historical data, the

1318 Pingnan earthquake in Guangxi province was verified. According to the local chronicles about this earthquake, the isoseismal map of sensible range was determined, and the epicenter of the earthquake was identified at 23.9?N,110.7?E and the magnitude was

5 based on study of statistical relation between the geometric centre and magnitude of the sensible range and the sensible radius of the earthquake. Key words:Pingnan of Guangxi Province;

Historical earthquake;

Earthquake verification ........
