编辑: 颜大大i2 2019-07-01

675 fatalities and 1,598 injuries recorded. Trapped or shut-in-lift cases still topped the list of incidents with 5,916 calls, followed by 1,149 cases of locked-in or out of premises and

488 cases of leakage of inflammable liquid or gas. 1. 经济日报图片 Hong Kong Economic Times photo 2. 明报图片 Ming Pao photo

1 2 O 行动事宜 Operations O 二零零六年较瞩目的特别服务召唤包括: 二月二十三日,一部载有大量钢筋的货 车在大屿山东涌道跌下山坡,消防员随 即进行攀山拯救,用了约五小时将钢筋 搬开,把被困於货车残骸的司机救出, 再由直升机把伤者送往医院. 五月十二日,一艘载有约90名乘客及 船员的双层渡轮在大屿山梅窝万角咀搁 浅,消防员登上渡轮进行拯救.事件中 有一名乘客和一名船员受伤,被送往医 院治理. 七月三日,长青隧道内发生一宗严重交 通意外.意外涉及一部旅游巴士及三部 货柜车.旅游巴士司机被困车内,由消 防员救出.意外中共有41人受伤,由救 护车送往医院. Some notable incidents in

2006 are summarised as follows: A lorry carrying a large quantity of steel bars fell from Tung Chung Road, Lantau, onto a hill slope on

23 February. A mountain rescue was conducted by firemen. It took about five hours to remove the steel bars and extricated the driver from the wrecked vehicle. The injured driver was conveyed to hospital by helicopter. On

12 May, a double-decker ferry carrying about

90 passengers and crew members ran aground off Man Kok Tsui in Mui Wo on Lantau. Firemen conducted rescue operation on board the ferry. A passenger and a crew member were injured and conveyed to hospital for treatment. A serious traffic accident involving a coach and three containers occurred inside the Cheung Tsing Tunnel on

3 July. The driver of the coach was trapped inside the vehicle and extricated by firemen. A total of

41 injured people were taken to hospital by ambulances. 消防及救护人员从旅游巴士残骸中救出被困司机 (成报图片) The driver trapped inside the coach being extricated by firemen and ambulancemen (Sing Pao photo) 消防人员从山坡货车残骸中救出司机 (成报图片) Injured driver being extricated from the wreckage of a lorry at a hill slope (Sing Pao photo) 渡轮在大屿山石滩搁浅 (明报图片) A ferry ran aground onto rocks on Lantau (Ming Pao photo) Operations Operations

27 八月二十一日,长青隧道内再发生一宗 严重交通意外.意外涉及一部双层巴 士、三部旅游巴士及一部货车,消防员 把被困的司机及乘客救出.事件中巴士 司机死亡,另有25人受伤. 十月十七日,一部双层巴士在旺角窝打老 道冲上行人路撞向一幢建筑物的檐篷,车 顶撕开,消防员到场进行拯救.在意外 中,一名行人死亡,另有12人受伤,包 括巴士司机、八名乘客及三名行人. 十一月二十日,香港仔香叶道一幢正在 拆卸中的工业大厦四楼的部分外墙塌 下,压毁16部车.事件中无人受伤. Another serious traffic accident inside the Cheung Tsing Tunnel occurred on 21August involving a double-decker bus, three coaches and a lorry. Firemen extricated the drivers and passengers who were trapped inside the vehicles. The bus driver was killed and

25 people were injured in the incident. On

17 October, a double-decker bus mounted the pavement and had its rooftop ripped off after ramming against an awning of a building at Waterloo Road in Mong Kok. Rescue operation was conducted by firemen. A pedestrian was killed and
