编辑: 王子梦丶 | 2019-07-03 |
2. Master the logical operation instructions 本章学习内容对应学习目标 3(支撑毕业要求指标点 3.3)、学习目标 4(支撑毕业要求指标 点4.1)、学习目标 5(支撑毕业要求指标点 10.3).
第七章:算术运算指令 ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS 1. Introduction: arithmetic operations and flags 2. Addition and subtraction 3. Multiplication and division 4.BCD adjustment 5.Programming examples Objectives: (1) Master the arithmetic operations of the
8051 microcontroller, including increment and decrement of the contents of register and RAM, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and BCD addition. 本章学习内容对应学习目标 3(支撑毕业要求指标点 3.3)、学习目标 4(支撑毕业要求指标 点4.1)、学习目标 5(支撑毕业要求指标点 10.3).