编辑: 戴静菡 2019-07-04
本国与外国法律事务律师事务所 博仲法律事务所 台北市重庆南路一段 号楼法规名称:禁止外国人入国作业规定 Title: Operation Directions for Banning Entry of Aliens 修正日期:民国

103 年08 月11 日Last amendment:

11 August


一、为执行入出国及移民法(以下简称本法)第十八条禁止外国人入国案件, 特订定本作业规定.

1. These Operation Directions are adopted to handle cases of banning entry of aliens into the Republic of China (Taiwan) under Article

18 of the Immigration Act (hereinafter, the Act ).

二、外国人有下列情形之一,其禁止入国期间如下: 2. An alien in any of the following circumstances shall be banned from entry for a time period prescribed as follows:

(一)护照拒不缴验者,禁止入国三年. (1) An alien who refuses to submit his or her passport for inspection shall be banned from entry for

3 years.

(二)持用不法取得、伪造、变造之护照或签证者,禁止入国十年. (2) An alien who uses an illegally acquired, forged, or altered passport or visa shall be banned from entry for

10 years.

(三)冒用护照或持用冒领之护照者,禁止入国十年. (3) An alien who uses another person'

s passport or a fraudulently claimed passport shall be banned from entry for

10 years.

(四)申请来我国之目的作虚伪之陈述或隐瞒重要事实者,禁止入国一年至三 年. (4) An alien who has made any misrepresentation or concealed any important fact in connection with his or her purposes of application for entry to Taiwan shall be banned from entry for

1 to

3 years.

(五)携带违禁物者,禁止入国五年. (5) An alien carrying contraband shall be banned from entry for

5 years. 本国与外国法律事务律师事务所 博仲法律事务所 台北市重庆南路一段 号楼

(六)患有足以妨害公共卫生或社会安宁之传染病、精神疾病或其他疾病者, 禁止入国至痊K或经证明病情稳定之日. (6) An alien who has a contagious disease, mental illness, or other disease that could undermine public health or disturb social peace shall be banned from entry until the day of recovery or when stabilization of the condition has been certified.

(七)未经查验入国、未经许可临时入国,而经驱逐出国者,禁止入国十年. (7) An alien who is deported from Taiwan because of entry without customs inspection or temporary entry without permission shall be banned from entry for

10 years.

(八)从事与申请停留、居留目的不符之活动,而经驱逐出国或限令出国者, 禁止入国三年至五年. (8) An alien who is deported from Taiwan or ordered to leave Taiwan within a certain time limit because of engaging in activity inconsistent with the purposes of the application for the visit or residence shall be banned from entry for

3 to

5 years.

(九)有妨害善良风俗之行为者,禁止入国三年至五年. (9) An alien who has engaged in conduct violating good morals shall be banned from entry for

3 to

5 years. 前项禁止入国期间,自外国人被拒绝入国或出国之翌日起算.但前项第二款至 第四款情形发生於国外者,自权责机关确认行为发生之日起算,如权责机关无 法确认行为发生之日,则自权责机关通知内政部入出国及移民署(以下简称入 出国及移民署)时起算. The period of a ban on entry under the preceding paragraph shall be calculated from the day following the day the alien is refused entry to Taiwan or exit from Taiwan. Nevertheless, when an event under subparagraphs
