编辑: 夸张的诗人 2019-07-04

s Crunch Cake…50 焦糖蛋糕 New York Cheese Cake with Cherry…50 纽约芝士饼配车厘子 Rich Chocolate Cake…50 特级朱古力蛋糕 MOP Traditional Fish and chips…90 Tender white fish breaded and deep fried, Served with malt vinegar 脆炸鱼柳及薯条配麦芽醋 Omu Rice 蛋包饭…85 Hainanese Chicken and Flavored Rice in Egg Omelet 海南鸡奄列蛋饭 Chef'

s Fried Rice 厨师炒饭

75 Fried Jasmine Rice with Prawns, Chicken, Tomatoes and Fried Egg 蕃茄虾仁及鸡肉鸡蛋炒饭 Asian Bamboo Chicken Rice Served with………………$75 Ginger Relish 竹筒鸡饭配姜茸 African Chicken 非洲鸡…85 Roasted Chicken with a Zesty Garlic-Pepper Sauce 烧鸡配蒜香辣椒汁 Baked Seafood Rice with Pineapple…95 菠萝h海鲜饭 Pork Chop Rice Portuguese Style…70 葡式h猪扒饭 MOP Traditional Fish and chips…90 Tender white fish breaded and d........
