编辑: 阿拉蕾 2019-07-04



3、研究土壤化掺加剂(砂、秸秆以及高吸水性聚合物)对土壤化改良效果 的规律. 关键词:疏浚淤泥 土壤化 土壤化掺加剂 强度 摘要 II Abstract As China'

s interior rivers, lakes and ports dredging projects are ongoing;

it can produce a lot of dredged sludge. Dredged sludge use up a lot of land. How to deal with dredged sludge into the engineering sector in a reasonable and effective way is a research focus. One property of Dredged sludge is high moisture content. It'

s difficult to deal with it directly. And the approaches nowadays have some defects during practical application, so our group put over a method of Green, pollution-free, pure natural, low-cost, namely, by using of mixed agent for farming (sand, straw, and Super Absorbent Polymers) to deal with dredged sludge to enable dredged sludge for farming. In this paper, I mainly do the research of the law of mixed agent for farming in dealing with the dredged sludge. I do this mainly through a comparison of different Moisture content and mixing ratio of different agents, Assessed through the strength of soil, and as a further experimental study of exploratory. Centering on this purpose, the paper in the following aspects: 1.Study on the physical properties of the BaiMa Lake dredged sludge. 2. Study on the law of the initial moisture content of sludge dredged comparing with the strength value. 3. Study on the law of soil and mixing agent in dealing with the dredged sludge. Key words: dredged sludge soil for farming mixed agent for farming strength 目录 I 目录摘要IABSTRACT.II

第一章 绪论11.1 研究背景及意义

1 1.2 疏浚淤泥处理的研究现状

3 1.3 疏浚淤泥土壤化研究现状

7 1.4 本文工作


第二章 试验材料与方法

11 2.1 试验材料

11 2.1.1 疏浚淤泥.11 2.1.2 土壤化掺加剂.17 2.2 试样制备

19 2.3 无侧限抗压强度试验


第三章 土壤化掺加剂对淤泥土壤化改良效果研究

26 3.1 疏浚淤泥初始含水率同无侧限抗压强度值关系

26 3.2 土壤化掺加剂单独掺加对淤泥土壤化改良效果的影响

27 3.2.1 砂单独掺加对淤泥土壤化改良效果的影响.27 3.2.2 秸秆单独掺加对淤泥土壤化改良效果的影响.27 3.2.3 SAP 对淤泥土壤化改良效果的影响

31 3.3 土壤化掺加剂混合掺加对淤泥土壤化改良效果的影响

32 3.4 本章小结


第四章 结论

36 参考文献

37 致谢39

第一章 绪论-1-

第一章 绪论1.1 研究背景及意义 (1)疏浚淤泥的产生量巨大 我国是一个多河流、多湖泊的国家,为了保证港口航道的通航能力和维持 河道湖泊的蓄洪泄洪能力,以及近几年南水北调工程的开展,使得在港口、航道、海洋和海岸工程中产生了大量的疏浚淤泥. 据初步统计 [1] ,我国江河湖库的年淤积量已达

11 亿m3 ,仅长江、黄河、淮河、辽河及海河等五大流域主要河湖的年淤积量就达

3 亿m3 .据不完全统计, 我国每年废弃的疏浚淤泥达到

1 亿m3 以上,仅珠江三角洲地带每年产生的疏浚 淤泥就达到

8000 万m3 左右,并且东海、北海地区也产生了相当数量的疏浚淤 泥[2] .比如在

1998 年到

2003 年期间,我国对长江、黄河、海河、淮河等江河和 洞庭湖、鄱阳湖等重要湖泊进行了疏浚,完成淤泥的疏浚量达 1.2 亿m3 ,这大 大提高了各河流、湖泊的泄洪蓄洪能力,对我国洪涝灾害的减轻起到了重要的 作用;
