编辑: 贾雷坪皮 2019-07-05
从被称为 第三极 的青藏高原到生物多样性丰富的东南亚,我们的社区协议保 护地已经超过

31500 公顷,我们帮助了

50000 多人在参与保护的同时发展可持 续生计,实现环境与经济的协同发展.

Throughout China'

s western region and abroad, our team devises bottom- up solutions that have already involved more than 50,000 local people to protect 31,500 hectares of land while also improving their quality of life. 自2005 年从秘鲁引入协议保护机制起,我们始终致力于探索以社区为主导的 社区协议保护 机制在中国西部地区的运用, 并将通过与更多当地的环保机构和社区组织合作,进一步推广和扩大 社区协议保护 机制,发展生态服务型经济网络,并 探索适合于东南亚各国的 社区协议保护 机制,消弭当地保护与发展的冲突. Since 2005, we have designed and implemented the Community Conservation Concession Agreement (CCCA), working alongside key decision-makers and developing on-the-ground partnerships. This model has been adopted by many communities in Ningxia, Qinghai, and Inner Mongolia, and internationally, in Myanmar, to strengthen resource management and enhance economic opportunity. 通过 GEI 保护与发展基金支持建立的 合作社,帮助青海当地牧民在参与生 态保护的同时,拓展社区生计途径, 提高收入.(GEI

2016 年)The traditional handicraft cooperative in Qinghai involves the locals in conservation efforts and develops their local economy, all in all improving their livelihood;


s Nuo Wang (lower left) and Kui Peng (third from lower left). GEI

2016 我们的方法 我们采用自下而上与自上而下相结合的解决方 案,在推动当地社区参与保护工作的同时,为 他们提供生计发展培训及对接市场,帮助社区 提高自身资源可持续管理的能力,发展生态服 务型经济经济,并探索最佳实践方案,为政府 的生态保护与经济发展决策提供参考建议. Our Method Through research, pilot projects and policy advocacy, we are diligently creating opportunities to improve and scale our Community Conservation Concession Agreement (CCCA) model. Our team exploresbestpracticesforprovidingrecommendations to government ecological protection and economic development decision-makers and are developing an economic design that incorporates environmental valuation. 或许我们可以找出生态保护和当地社区协同发展的可持续之路. We thought, '

Maybe we can find a sustainable way for the nature reserve and the local community to co-exist.'

全球环境研究所 生态保护与社区发展项目 Global Environmental Institute Ecosystem Conservation and Community Development Program 生态保护与经济发展可以携手共进 Environmental Conservation and Economic Development Can - and Should - Work Together 四川省 Sichuan Province 早在

2006 年,GEI 便在大熊猫发 现地 - 四川宝兴开展协议保护项 目.项目使

7000 多公顷林地和大 熊猫栖息地得到直接保护,涵养 水源

300 多万立方米.通过支持当 地居民开展养蜂等可持续生计活 动,以及建立 保护与发展基金 支持社区发展,当地居民收入极大 增加.2014 年,全国人大常委会 副委员长,民进中央主席严隽琪专 程前往宝兴视察该项目. The protection of over 7,000 hectares of woodlands &

300 million cubic meters of water are critical to the resource-dependent livelihoods of Baoxing County. Beginning in 2006, GEI helped residents carry out beekeeping and other income- generating activities, as well as established and environmental protection fund to keep this precious environment protected for generations. 缅甸 Myanmar
