编辑: 贾雷坪皮 | 2019-07-05 |
2015 年起开展社区主导的清洁能源技术援助示范项目. 我们向 Thanbayarkhon (TBK) 村捐赠了
193 台清洁炉灶、180 台太阳能照 明灯和
1 个太阳能水泵,同时帮助社区开展经济林种植计划.项 目得到了中国政府的肯定,以及气候变化南南合作基金
2000 万 人民币的对缅物资捐赠.2017 年我们将与
4 家缅甸 NGO 合作, 在缅甸
4 个省 / 邦的
16 个社区开展社区协议保护机制的示范. This community development project has carried out a forest planting initiative and provided clean energy technology:
193 biomass cook stoves,
180 solar lights, and
1 solar-powered water pump. GEI established a revolving fund to support the maintenance of the technology and micro-financing of other development projects. Upon its success, the project received 3.3 million USD from China'
s South-South Cooperation Fund on Climate Change. In 2017, we began cooperating with
4 Burmese NGOs to scale up this pilot model to reach
16 communities across
4 states/regions in Myanmar. 青海省,三江源 Qinghai Province, Sanjiangyuan
2013 年开始,GEI 在三江源地区建 立社区基金,创新协议保护机制,扩 大社区保护地范围,并支持社区发展 负责任生态旅游服务,培训牧民发展 传统手工艺和开发生态友好型产品. 至2016 年,共有
11 个社区
200 多 位牧民接受了培训,101 个示范户签 订了《生态管护协议》,增加了超过
2 万公顷的社区保护地,并成立了
5 个生态经济发展合作社.社区发展 基金已增长至
16 万人民币. To protect Asia'
s vital bodies of water and foster local development, we designed and implemented an ecosystem services-based economic model in Qinghai. Our work is fostering eco-tourism, traditional craftsmanship, and water quality monitoring across
200 households in
12 communities. By 2016, our project included over 20,000 hectares of community-protected land and
5 development cooperatives. The community development fund had even grown to 160,000 RMB. 内蒙古自治区 Inner Mongolia 自2011 年起,开始在内蒙古乌力吉图嘎查开展草原沙 化治理试点项目, 截至
2015 年底共治理沙地约
1700 亩, 不仅带动了全村牧户利用牧草原科学治理沙化草原,还 吸引了政府近
50 万元的治沙投资, 草原生态明显改善. To reduce desertification and offer animals a more sustainable food supply, GEI introduced special foraging grasses, as well as new grassland protection methods, to the Wulijitu Gacha region in
2011 and by 2015, we had implemented sand control measures across
113 hectares. Not only did local herdsmen learn and implement grassland science but the project also attracted 500,000 RMB in funding from the government. 协议保护机制 CCCA Mechanism 生态农牧产品 Animal Husbandry 传统手工艺产品 Handicraft Products 清洁能源技术 Renewable Energy Technology 种植牧草和经济作物 Ecological Beneficial Crops 项目地图 Project Map 宁夏回族自治区 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 自2011 年起,通过社区基金的形式,GEI 建立协议保护地,支持牧民种植牧草和 红梅杏,共保护
3500 多公顷草原,并帮助了
40 多户示范户开展种植提高收入. 杏树在种植后
3 年结果,带来的纯收入可达每亩
2000 到3000 元,5 年后纯收入 可达
1000 到20000 元.
35 households participate in protecting more than 2,850 hectares of grassland inside the Yunwushan Nature Reserve. Through government subsidies in our community development fund, the herders grow and harvest regional plants for an improved environment and livelihood, with their income doubling over the past five years. 全球环境研究所 生态保护与社区发展项目 Global Environmental Institute Ecosystem Conservation and Community Development Program ........