编辑: 木头飞艇 2019-07-06

315 超低速档和超高速档设计 根据用户不同需求, 我们在档位设计上既考虑了 超低速档 i>

7, 也考虑了超高速档 i≤017, 以满足超 低速重载及超高速运行的要求.

4 产品试验结果 DC6J90TZ 变速箱于

1997 年10 月通过了长春汽 车研究所组织的 (依据JB3987―85 标准) 台架试验, 并通过了东风汽车研究院组织实施的道路试验, 说明 了DC6J90TZ 变速箱的优化设计是成功的.

5 结束语 DC6J90TZ 变速箱设计试验已完成, 并已投入小 批量生产.从现有匹配主机厂的情况来看, 显示了该 产品参数优化、性能价格比高 (产品总成性能达国际

90 年代中期水平) 的特点.我们将进一步深入研究现 代汽车变速箱的新理论、 新方法, 大胆采用新工艺、 新 技术、新材料, 完善计算机辅助设计手段, 研究开发 自动变速器, 把性能更好、价格更低的产品投放市场, 造福人民. Design of DC6J90TZ truck transm ission CAO Rui (Datong Gear Co1 L td1, Datong 037006, China) Abstract: In o rder to m eet the needs fo r value- fo r- money p roducts in the competition , Datong Gear Co1L td1 develop sDC6J70TZ - series, DC6J90TZ and DC6 J120TZ- series truck transm issions later, of w hich the mo st characteristics are of the integral struc2 ture w ith no auxiliary cases1A nd hereafter the article gives a detailed analysis of the designing characteristics of the only DC6J90TZ - series transm issions1 Key words: truck transm ission;

design (上接第

50 页) Application technology of industry computer and the signal produced and controlled on high precision watt-hour meter test instrument1 M A Shao-hua (ShanxiDesign and Research Inst1of M ech1 and Elec1Engineering, Taiyuan 030009, China) Abstract: Sine w ave signal p roduced by CPU and ROM being steady is used w idely as input of amp lifiers, w hich m akes AC vo ltage source better fo r p recision of instrum ents and comm unication of computers1 Key words: CPU ;


