编辑: XR30273052 | 2019-07-06 |
30 No.6 二九年十二月: 700-716 Acta Geoscientica Sinica Dec. 2009: 700-716 www.cagsbulletin.com www.地球学报.com 本文由国土资源部重点科技项目 勘查地球化学在中国的发展与应用 资助. 收稿日期: 2009-03-28;
改回日期: 2009-11-07. 第一作者简介: 谢学锦,男,1923 年生.研究员,中国科学院院士.长期从事应用地球化学研究.通信地址:065000,河北廊坊金光道
84 号.联系
电话:010-68320276. 中国区域化探全国扫面计划卅年 谢学锦1) , 任天祥1) , 奚小环2) , 张立生3) 1)中国地质科学院地球物理地球化学勘查研究所, 河北廊坊 065000;
2)中国地质调查局, 北京 100037;
3)中国地质调查局成都地质矿产研究所, 四川成都
610081 摘要: 区域化探全国扫面计划是一项科学研究研究与大规模调查密切结合的大科学计划.在20 世纪
70 年代为计划的提出进行了许多预研究.1978 年项目得到国家地质总局的批准.批准后正式展开之前进行了 五年的技术准备.包括拟定工作方法规范、举办培训班、研制多元素多方法分析系统、制备水系沉积物土 壤及岩石标准样, 拟定分析质量监控方案及对各种特殊景观地区野外工作方法进行研究. 这项计划至今已进 行了
30 年, 覆盖了全国
700 余万平方公里的面积.根据这项计划提供的地球化学异常的线索找到了数百个 新矿床, 特别是金矿.所取得的海量数据还对基础地质研究、环境、生态及农业的研究提供新的依据.并为 国内外地球化学填图的思路与方法技术作出了极大贡献, 使中国的地球化学填图走在了世界的最前列. 关键词: 区域化探;
应用 中图分类号: P596;
P56 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1006-3021(2009)06-700-17 The Implementation of the Regional Geochemistry-National Recon- naissance Program (RGNR) in China in the Past Thirty Years XIE Xue-jing1) , REN Tian-xiang1) , XI Xiao-huan2) , ZHANG Li-sheng3) 1) Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, CAGS, Langfangi Hebei 065000;
2) China Geological Survey, Beijing 100037;
3) Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chengdu, Sichuan
610081 Abstract: Regional Geochemistry-National Reconnaissance Program (RGNR) was a big science program incor- porating scientific research with extensive surveying. Feasibility studies were carried out in the 1970s. The pro- gram was approved by the National Bureau of Geology in 1978. Before the full implementation of the program, a five-year project for technical preparation was carried out, which included the preparation of sampling protocol, the orientation of field surveys, the development of multi-elements, the multi-method analytical schemes, the preparation and certification of standard reference materials, and many courses for training working staff members, All these measures were aimed at overcoming the deficiencies commonly met in existing geochemical mapping programs in the world, such as the incomparability of elements mapped, the insufficiency of trace and subtrace element information and the incomparability of data. The program has been carried out in the past
30 years cover- ing more than seven million square kilometers of China'
s territory. Hundreds of new mineral discoveries, espe- cially gold discoveries were obtained. The immense amount of data obtained is also useful for geological, envi- ronmental ecological and agricultural studies. Key words: regional geochemical exproration;