编辑: jingluoshutong 2019-09-13
About throw about ①乱扔,乱丢,向四面八方扔: The child threw his clothes about in the bedroom.

这孩子把衣服扔的卧室里到处都是. ②舞动,挥动(手臂等): The girl threw her arms about. 女孩挥动双臂. ③浪费;


挥霍,乱花(钱): Don'

t throw about your money on trash. 不要乱花钱买无用的东西. ④盖上,罩上;

包围,围住: She threw a neckerchief around her neck. 她把围巾绕在脖子上. ⑤滥用(权力);

仗势欺人: He was stronger than the other boys, and he threw his weight around. 他比其他男孩儿力气大,便欺负别人. set about ①开始,着手(工作等): to set about doing something 开始动手(或着手)做某事 ②试着(做某事),试图: I set about reading the book at one go. 我曾试图一口气把这本书看完. ③散布(流言等): to set about a rumor 散布谣言 ④[口语]抨击;

揍(某人): to set about each other 扭打,打成一团 go about ①干(某事),着手做;

着手进行: You are not going about it correctly. 你干这件事做得不对. I must go about my business. 我必须忙我自己的事. ②四处走动;

旅行: The tourists went about London freely. 游客们在伦敦四处自由游览. ③(消息等)传播,流传;

(疾病等)流行: The rumor is going about that John and Mary are getting married. 正在谣传约翰与玛丽将要结婚. ④到处…;

经常从事于: Some people go about telling untrue stories. 某些人到处传播不真实的事. ⑤和…相好;

和…混在一起(常与 with 连用): He always goes about with his children. 他总是与他的孩子们混在一起. bring about ①带来,引来,引起,导致,产生,使发生;




开始: The economic reform brought about great change in the lives of the common people. 经济改革在老百姓生活方面带来巨大的变化. ②【航海学】使(船)掉过头来,使(船)改变方向: They brought the ship about and headed for safety. 他们使船掉头,朝安全地带行驶. come about ①发生,产生;

实现: How did the accident come about? 这个事故是怎么发生的? Across get across ①(使)越过,(使)渡过;

(使)横穿马路: It'

s so much safer to get across the road at the traffic lights. 在有交通红绿灯的地方横穿马路要安全得多. ②(使)被了解;

讲清楚,让…听懂: He taught me how to get my ideas across. 他教我如何把自己的观点表达清楚 ③[英国口语]触犯,冒犯;

使生气,使恼火: Take care not to get across the director, he could have you dismissed. 小心别惹经理生气,他会把你开除. come across ①(偶然地)碰到;

想到: Perhaps I shall come across him in France. 也许我会在法国遇见他. ②发现;

出现: I came across this book in an old bookstore in London. 我在伦敦一家旧书店里发现了这本书. ③讲得清楚明白,可理解;

有说服力: Your speech didn'

t come across;

nobody understood your opinion. 你的演说讲得不明不白,没有人能听懂你的意思. ④[口语]看上去似乎是,给人…印象: He came across to me as being quite a nice person. 他在我的印象中是一个挺好的人. ⑤[美国俚语](不情愿地)交出;


照办: The robber took out his pistol and pointed at her head with it, and she came across with all the money she had in her pocket. 土匪掏出手枪用枪对着她的头部,于是她把口袋里 所有的钱全部交了出来. ⑥表现自己: All the candidates came across badly on TV. 所有的候选人在电视上表演得都相当拙劣. ⑦答应性要求 After ask after ①[口语]问起…的健康情况,问候,问好;

探问: He asked after her mother. 他问候她母亲. to ask after his trade 询问他的生意情况 look after ①照顾;



关心: I will look after her child when she is on a business trip. 她出差时我将照看她的孩子. ②目送;


眼睛盯着: They looked after the train as it moved out. 他们目送火车开出车站. ③关注;

为…操心: He only looks after his own interests. 他只顾自己的利益. ④找;


要求: What is he looking after? 他在找什么? run after ①追赶,追逐: If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 如果你追两只兔子,你一个也捉不住.[谚语,相当 于中国谚语: 贪多嚼不烂 ] ②追求(异性、时尚等): I heard you were running after Miss Brown. 我听说你正在追布朗小姐. ③[口语]照料,伺候: I'

ll not run after you all your life. 我不会伺候你一辈子. take after ①(在相貌、体格、性情等方面)像(父、母等);

与… 相像: He takes after his father in being weak-minded. 他优柔寡断,像他爸. In her gentle nature, Mary takes after her mother. 玛丽性情温和,像她妈妈. ②追赶;


追逐: The police took after the murderer. 警方追捕谋杀犯. ③仿效;

学…的榜样: You should take after your sister who is a diligent student. 你应该学学你的姐姐,她是个勤奋的学生. Against turn against ①(使)转而反对(或反抗);


(使) 对…有偏见: Mary tried to turn the children against their father. 玛丽试图使孩子们反对他们的父亲. Jack turned against his old friends. 杰克和老朋友们翻脸了 ②转过来向…移动 ③对…起不利的影响: Public opinion turned against the Democratic Party. 舆论对民主党不利. set against ①使憎恶;

使反对: to set friends against one another 在朋友之间挑拨离间 ②扣除…的费用(等);

把…作为抵偿: to set against one'

s debt 抵债 ③权衡,把…与…进行比较: setting the results against those of the last election ,we can see a clear improvement. 将这次选择结果与上一次作比较,我们能明显看到 好多了. go against ①违反,违背: He went against my wishes when he did that. 他这么做就违背了我的意愿. ②反对 It'

s no use going against the director'

s decision. 反对上司的决定没用. ③不利于: The election went against him. 选举对他不利. Apart tell apart 辨别,区分,区别: to tell things apart 辨明情况 fall apart ①破碎,破裂: This book was old and soon fell apart. 这本书太陈旧了,很快就破碎了. ②崩溃,瓦解,破产: The army fell apart. 军队土崩瓦解了. ③脱离关系,关系破裂: We used to be good friends, but fell apart about a year ago. 我们过去曾经是好朋友,但一年前关系破裂了. ④失去自信,反常;

失去自制: Even the seasoned troupers fall apart. 甚至一些有临场经验的演员也失常了. take apart ①拆开;


使…分开: The workers took the engine apart. 工人们将引擎拆开了. ②猛烈抨击;



对… 挑剔: Her new novel was taken apart by reviewers. 她新出的小说被评论家们评得一无是处. ③严厉惩罚;

(在拳击等运动中)将…彻底打败: The experienced boxer should be able to take a young opponent apart in a few rounds. 经验丰富的拳击手应该在几个回合后就能彻底打 败年轻的对手. Qatar was really taken apart by China in the match. 在这场比赛中,卡塔尔队被中国队彻底击败. ④对…深入剖析: He thoroughly takes the German national character apart in the essay. 他在这篇文章里透彻地剖析了德意志民族性格. ⑤对…彻底搜查 ⑥[口语]蹂躏;

粗暴对待: The bandits took the village apart. 土匪们蹂躏这个村庄. apart from 除…之外;


并且 Around come around ①来访 Beth came around, this morning to apologize. 贝思今天上午来道歉了. ②转而接受 It looks like they'

re coming around to our way of thinking. ③好像他们正在转而接受我们的思维方式. ④如期而至 I hope to be fit when the World Championship comes around next year. 希望明年世界锦标赛再度举行时我能身体健康. ⑤苏醒 When I came around I was on the kitchen floor. 当我苏醒时,我躺在厨房地板上. look around ①游览 get around ①四处走动;

往来各地: It'

s easy in this city to get round by bus. 在这座城市,乘公共汽车来往各处非常方便. ②(病后又能)走动: Mother is much better now, she'

s able to get round a bit more. 母亲现在好多了,能够多走动走动了. ③绕道走: Let'

s get round to the back of the house. 让我们绕到房子的后面去. ④回避(困难);


成功地对付: It'

s no use trying to get round paying the income tax! 试图避免交个人所得税是徒劳的! ⑤(消息等)传开: Please don'

t speak of this, I don'

t want it to get round. 请不要提这件事,我不想把它传出去. turn around ①(使)转身,(使)转向: She turned around and saw her teacher. 她转过身看到了自己的老师. He turned the desk around. 他把书桌调了个个. ②转变,改变(意见);

采取(新政策等): The manager has turned around. 经理改主意了. ③[口语]努力,发奋: We should turn around and carry the project to completion. 我们应该做出努力把工程完成. ④行情好转;

逆转: The economy turned around three months after the crisis. 在发生危机的三个月后经济开始好转了. I'

m sure our housing sale will turn around next month. 我相信我们的住房销售下个月肯定会好转. ⑤使改变;

曲解: They shouldn'

t have turned my question around. 他们不该歪曲我提出的问题. ⑥(船只)卸完货返航: We need some more men to turn the ship around. 我们需增派更多的人手使这艘船卸货返航. ⑦[美国英语]使变好,朝好的方向转变 roll around 流逝;

周而复始 =flown away , roll by As act as ①充当,用作,当作,起…的作用;

做: That sofa also acts as a bed. 那沙发也可当床. ②担当,充任;

扮演…的角色: He acted as chairman in my absence. 我不在时他担任主席. Aside set aside ①把…存储起来;

抽出(时间等): to set aside something for 为…而留出某物 ②把…放在一边;

使分开: to set aside one'

s work 放下工作不做 ③把…撇开, 把…搁置一旁;

对…拒绝考虑(或不接 受): to set aside all formality 不拘小节 ④撤销,驳回,宣布…无效: The appeal was set aside. 上诉被驳回了. cast aside ①抛弃;


把…丢在一边: He cast aside all his old books. ........
