编辑: 雨林姑娘 2019-07-15

27 stores were from the Shanghai area,

18 stores were from the Jiangsu area, and

11 stores were from the Zhejiang area. All of the above factors led to a decrease of 21.8% of the overall customer flow of the Group in the Period, and an increase of 3.2% of the average price per order. The decrease of customer flow led to the same-store growth rate of -19.4%. The Group'

s operating revenue is subject to seasonal factors. As the sales of mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival and the cold climate occurs in the second half of the year, the sales in the second half of the year generally exceeds that of the first half of the year. The sales revenue of the Group in the first half of

2017 and

2016 only accounted for approximately 47.1% and 48% of the annual operating revenue, respectively. 部分门店或因收益不佳、租金急涨、翻新装修不易回收等因 素,经评估后结束营业,并同步开展少量微烘烤新店型, 测试市场接受度,门店数量自

2017 年6月底

672 家,减少 为2018 年上半年底

616 家,其中关闭店

63 家,增开新店

7 家,总计净减少门店

56 家,关店数量较前期多,期望藉关 旧开新达到新旧店型世代交替,其中,上海区减少

27 家门 店,江苏地区减少

18 家门店,浙江地区店数则减少

11 家门 店. 上述各因素导致本集团同期整体客流量减少 21.8%,每笔客 单价则增加 3.2%;

由於客流量降低造成影响,同店增长幅 度则为 -19.4%. 本集团的营业收入常受季节性因素的影响,由於中秋节的月 饼销售及下半年气候转寒,导致下半年的销售一般会比上半 年高.2017 及2016 年本集团的上半年的销售额分别只占全 年营业收入约 47.1% 及48%.

7 7 In terms of geographical location, sales revenue in the Shanghai area accounted for approximately 58.7% of the Group'

s revenue in the first half of 2018, which slightly increased from 57.4% for the corresponding period in 2017. The Shanghai area was the main source of the Group'

s operation revenue. The Group has the densest distribution of stores in the Shanghai area, due to the continuous influence of intense competition from peers operating under diversified business models in recent years, during the two corresponding periods, the number of stores that have ceased operation in this region was the highest in terms of total number of closed down stores, which reached 48.2%. The operating revenue for the Shanghai area in the first half of

2018 decreased by approximately RMB34,068,000 as compared with the corresponding period in 2017, representing a decrease of approximately 15.6%. Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province recorded a decrease in operating revenue of approximately RMB21,207,000 and approximately RMB10,964,000 in the first half of 2018, respectively, representing decreases of 19.7% and 20.5%, respectively, as compared with the corresponding period ........
