编辑: 紫甘兰 | 2019-07-15 |
D of sludge disposal technologies and track their performance. Based on that, technology hub for different composition of sludge is expected to be produced. It should consider not only connecting the sludge treatment and disposal technologies, but also
4 | the cohesion of the use of sludge product and energy/ resource recovery across departments or industries. Establish a sustainable financing: sewage treatment plants are constrained by huge capital investment and high operation cost, new financing channel on sludge treatment need to be developed. Local government should conduct the Polluter Pay Principle and include sufficient sludge disposal cost in the sewage treatment tariff. Local government should also verify the cost in investment and operation of sludge treatment and disposal technologies. Meanwhile,local governments should explore multi-channel financing mode, and attract more social capital through franchising, government purchase services, equity cooperation, so that they can actively participate in sewage sludge treatment facilities construction and operation. Enhance supervision and establish the information disclosure system: Verify the sludge production data of different sources. Investigate typical citie........