编辑: 此身滑稽 2019-07-16

1 1 引言


2007 年11 月, GEF 批准了上海农业和非点源污染减少项目的项目概念.

2008 年6月24 日,中国财政部签署了上海 GEF 项目准备金赠款协议.该项目由上海 市政府与 GEF 共同投资,由上海市政府执行.项目将实施一系列的环保示范内 容,以减轻农业和非点源的环境污染问题,减少污染物随径流进入黄浦江和长江 口近海水域,保护和改善水环境质量. In November 2007, GEF approved the Shanghai Agricultural and Non-Point Pollution Reduction Project (SANPRP). The Ministry of Finance of China entered into the Shanghai GEF Project Preparation Grant (PPG) Agreement on June 24, 2008. The project is invested in jointly by Shanghai Municipal Government and GEF and implemented by Shanghai Municipal Government. The project consists of a series of environmental protection demonstration components aiming at mitigating agricultural and non-point pollution, reducing pollutants discharged via runoffs into Huangpu River and Yangtze River, and protecting and improving water environment. 大型养殖场的禽畜粪便处理(金山种奶牛场)工程是上海 GEF 项目子项目. 本项目选址于上海金山区廊下镇金山现代农业园区上海光明荷斯坦金山种奶牛 场现有场址范围内. Shanghai Bright Holstein Dairy Farm Electrical Generation on Biogas Demonstration Project is a sub-project of the Shanghai GEF project. This sub-project is located at the existing site of Shanghai Bright Holstein Dairy Farm in the Jinshan Modern Agricultural Park, Langxia Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai. 1.2 环境管理计划建立的目的 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE EMP 环境影响评价的主要目的就是找出项目建设和运营过程中对环境潜在影响 的因素,制定一套技术上可行、财务上可持续、可操作的环境对策.这些缓解措 施,通常在环境评价阶段确定,然后在环境管理计划中建立一种可执行的方式. A key objective of the impact assessment process is to identify the potential impacts on the environment of the activities anticipated in project development, implementation and operation and to develop a set of mitigation measures technically EMP ON Livestock Waste Management on Large Farm (Jinshan Dairy Farm)

2 appropriate, financially acceptable and practically applicable in the concerned regions. These mitigation measures are usually identified during the EA phase and then set out in a practical and coordinated way in the EMP. EMP 建立的目的是列出这些将要在项目建设和运行中采取的环境对策以及 监测和机构方面的措施,以避免或控制项目对环境的负面影响,并提出实施这些 措施的具体行动. 环境管理计划将成为环境影响和环评中确定的环境对策和措施 之间的重要连接,通过环境管理计划中的行动达到环境对策的目的. The role of the EMP is to outline the mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to be taken during project implementation and operation to avoid or control adverse environmental impacts, and the actions needed to implement these measures. The EMP provides the crucial link between impacts and alternative mitigation measures evaluated and described in the specific EIA reports and the way these measures must be implemented to achieve their mitigation objectives. 环境管理计划主要信息来源如下: The main sources of information which provide the basis for this EMP report are: z 金山种奶牛场奶牛粪尿产沼气发电工程项目环境影响报告表,2009年7 月,上海市环境科学研究院 z Environmental Impact Report on Cow Manure-to-Biogas Generation at Jinshan Dairy Farm, Julu, 2009, Shanghai z 《金山种奶牛场奶牛粪尿产沼气发电工程可行性研究》 ,2009 年3月, 上海环境卫生工程设计院 z Feasibility Study Report on Cow Manure-to-Biogas Generation at Jinshan Dairy Farm, March 2009, Shanghai Environmental Sanitation Engineering Design Institute. 1.3 环境管理计划的组织结构 1.3 ORGANISATION &
