编辑: You—灰機 2019-07-16

s Republic of China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a separate customs territory. Therefore, lodgement of import/export declaration for any article, other than an exempted article, imported from or exported to the Mainland of China is required. 即使无须就豁免物品递交进/出口报关单,将物 品进出口的人士仍须嘱咐承运商/货运代理商在 货物舱单上清楚注明豁免物品所属的类别,以方 便处理及核实贸易文件.然而,海关关长仍有权 要求将物品进出口的人士就所声称的豁免物品提 供证明或证,或在有需要时按照《进出口(登记)规例》的规定,采取适当的行动. While it is not required to lodge an import/export declaration in respect of an exempted article, importers/exporters are requested to advise their carriers/forwarders to indicate clearly on the cargo manifest the relevant category of their exempted article in order to facilitate processing and verification of trade documents. It should however be noted that this arrangement does not prejudice the Commissioner'

s right to require importer/exporter to provide proof or evidence to support the claim of exempted article, or to take any action provided under the Import and Export (Registration) Regulations when necessary. 以下列出《进出口(登记)规例》下列明的豁免 物品类别,以供参考: The categories of exempted articles as stipulated in the Import and Export (Registration) Regulations are given below for reference: a. 以全程提单或全程空运提单从某个香港以外 地方托运往另一个香港以外地方的转运货 物;

a. transhipment cargo consigned on a through bill of lading or a through air waybill from a place outside Hong Kong to another place outside Hong Kong;

2 b. 以香港以外地方为目的地并由同一船舶或飞 机运载途经香港而无须转运的过境货物;

b. transit cargo destined for a place outside Hong Kong and is passing through Hong Kong on the same ship or aircraft without transhipment;

c. 由政府或中国人民解放军进口或出口的物 品;

c. articles imported or exported by the Government or the Chinese People'

s Liberation Army;

d. 运载船只自用或船上耗用的船舶补给品(包 括燃料舱燃料) ;

d. ships'

stores, including bunker fuel, for use by or consumption on board the vessel on which the stores are carried;

e. 运载航机自用或机上耗用的飞机补给品(包 括飞行燃料) ;

e. aircraft stores, including aviation fuel, for use by or consumption on board the aircraft on which the stores are carried;

f. 私人行李,包括任何证明使海关关长信纳为 非为生意或业务而进出口的物品,但不包括 汽车;

f. personal baggage including any article which is shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to be imported or exported otherwise than for trade or business, but not including motor vehicles;

g. 所载物件价值为$4,000 以下的邮包;

g. any postal packet the contents of which are valued at less than $4,000;

h. 任何物品 C i) 纯粹为广告材料,并经清楚注明和属免 费供应的;

ii) 纯粹为任何产品的样本,并经清楚注 明,且令海关关长信纳是为宣传有关产 品而拟免费分发的;

iii) 价值$1,000 以下的任何产品样本,并令 海关关长信纳是拟为宣传有关产品而使 用的;

iv) 只为展览用的进口物品,并令海关关长 信纳该物品将於展览完毕后再出口,且 不会在本港出售或以任何其他方式处 置;
