编辑: ACcyL 2019-07-17


2016 最杰出「绿得开心推广大 使」之一) 「登高」 探减碳发电奥秘 智惜 用电 坚持朝鲜无核化 和平对话解决 China insists on denuclearising North Korea with peace Chinese President Xi Jin-ping shared his views on the situation in North Korea with US President Donald Trump in a telephone call on April 12. While China called for a peaceful resolution, the US stoked tensions as an aircraft carrier strike group was sent towards the Korean coast. Trump offers better trade deals for China'

s support During their meeting at the Mar-a-Lago estate early April, Xi and Trump reached important consensus as they engage in discussions on various issues regarding bilateral ties. However, a US navy strike group led by aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson scrapped its original plan of heading to Australia, and churned towards the Korean peninsula the next day Xi left. Trump then followed up on Twitter, claiming he had told Xi that China would get a better trade deal if they solve the North Korean problem , and if China was not going to help, the US would solve the problem without them . Solving the North Korean nuclear crisis through peaceful means has always been China'

s official stance. Xi has also reiterated during the phone call with Trump that China will continue to maintain peace and stability in the Korean peninsula, and are willing to work with the US in order to reach the denuclearisation of the region. China declines such extortion China does not wish, and would not agree to let the Korean War resume. By steadfastly asserting China'

s position, President Xi was reminding his US counterpart that tension-mongering are not the solution to the nuclear threat. Also, linking Sino-US trade with the North Korean issue for leverage over China is nothing but blatant extortion. On the one hand, China upholds the diplomatic principle of mutual respect and equality, and hopes for peace and stability in the Korean peninsula. But on the other hand, she will not press North Korea to back down just to fulfil the requests of Trump. The North Korean nuclear problem has been a long standing issue involving old grudges and complex power play between China, the US, Russia, North Korea, the Republic of Korea and Japan. In fact, China has already played an important role and contributed greatly to a peaceful settlement. History has taught us that the involvement of external parties would only lead to increased tensions. No one would benefit if things get out of hand and war breaks out in the Korean peninsula. Let'

s hope that the United States will learn from the lessons of history, and actively respond to the Chinese call for a peaceful resolution, for it would be in the best interests for all parties involved. 社评 双语道 Jeffrey Tse [[email protected]] @校园 Learning Point 朝鲜半岛局势早前急速升温, 美国白宫曾宣布派遣了「卡尔文 森」号航母战斗群驶向朝鲜半岛 水域. 然而,「卡尔文森」号被揭当 时根本还未出发.韩国《中央日 报》日前以「特朗普的卡尔文森 谎言」为标题,批评美国只会 「靠吓」,令韩国人受骗. 白宫发言人斯派塞澄清指,特 朗普说过会派出舰,「这是事 实,舰现正驶向朝鲜.」 韩国《中央日报》报道,朝鲜 在阅兵仪式中展示导弹,试图震 慑外界,质疑美国也采取一样的 「靠吓」策略. 韩国和日本均是美国在亚洲的 重要盟友,分析认为,韩日两国 没可能不知道「卡尔文森」号尚 未起行,但两国政府都没有澄 清,实际上是与美国合作,反映 两国受到与美方的联盟束缚. 有专家指,韩日政府闭口不 言,有助「假新闻」继续发酵, 增加对朝鲜的压力. 原文译文星期二.通识博客/通识中国 星期四.通识文凭试摘星攻略 星期三.中文星级学堂 .文江学海 .百科启智 星期五.通识博客/通识中国 .文江学海 星期一.通识博客 ( 一周时事聚焦 、通识把脉 ) .通识博客/通识中国 .百搭通识 心康 理得 每个人都曾经经历「不开心」这种 情绪,有什麽事会令你觉得不开心 呢?工作太辛苦、钱不够用、生活上 的小挫折、考试测验不如人意,或是 被父母要求参加许多补习班? 不开心的情绪,可能来自於包括我 们在生活、学业、家庭、健康上经历 的损失,或者不能达到期望等种种原 因,情况因人而异.有时候,我们会到别人形容很不开心 的状态为「好抑郁啊」. 不过,「抑郁」真的等於「不开心」吗? 抑郁是病 影响生活显徵状 其实,抑郁症是一种情绪病,其最核心的病徵是持续的情 绪低落、失去兴趣及疲倦乏力,亦会有机会出现其他徵状, 例如强烈的自责感、感到自己毫无存在价值、专注力减退、 体重明显增减等等,而不得不提自杀念头也是抑郁症之徵状 之一.同时,患者亦会丧失感受快乐的能力,多数未能排解 此状况及相关徵状. 不开心与抑郁是不一样的,不开心的情绪经历时间较为 短,也可能因为一些特定原因影响,事件过后多能回复正常 状况,可以排解;
