编辑: 于世美 | 2019-07-17 |
2. College of S cience , Sou th China Agriculture University, Guangzhou 510642, China;
3. Institute of B iophysics , Ch inese A cademy of Sciences , B eijing
100101 , Ch ina) Abstract A quantu m chem istry calcu lation w as carried out to study them echanism of 5c -pTpTpCp-3c cleav - age by theL /D-Ser -H ism. The effectivemolecu lar recogn ition betw een L /D-Ser -H ism and DNA through mu lt- i hydrogen-bonds and the correspond ing structural parameters w ere ob tained . The results could be used to ex - plain the mechan ism ofDNA cleavage by L /D-Ser -H ism. K eywords L /D-Ser -H ism;
5c -pTpTpCp -3csegm en;
t C leavage mechan ism ( Ed . : Y, I)
1569 No .
8 刘华鼐等: 丝氨酸组酰胺对 5c -pTpTpCp-3c 片段切割作用的量子化学计算 ........