编辑: 笨蛋爱傻瓜悦 | 2019-07-15 |
2008 翻译资格证考试(三级口笔译) China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters(www.catti.net)Grade
3 三级笔译 三级口译 英语三级笔译:准专业译员? 笔译综合能力测试 & 笔译实务测试词汇掌握语法、表达习惯较好双语表达能力能翻译一般难度文章,基本把握主旨,基本忠实原文事实和细节初步了解中国和英语国家的文化背景知识 笔译综合―词汇语法,阅读理解、推理释义 掌握词汇掌握并正确运用双语语法具备对常用文体英语文章的阅读理解能力. 笔译实务―双语互译基本技巧和能力 运用一般翻译策略和技巧忠实原文,无明显错译漏译通顺,词法无明显语法错误速度:300-400单词/小时 200-300字/小时 三级笔译考试模块设置综合
15 15 改错 词语替换 词汇选择
120 100
20 20
20 完形填空
75 55
50 阅读理解(5-8篇)
25 25
20 词汇和语法 时间(分钟) 记分题量 题型
180 100
80 40 一篇文章300-400字 汉译英
100 60 两段或一篇500-650词 英译汉 时间(分钟) 记分 题量 题型 三级笔译实务 英语三级口译:准专业译员? 口译综合能力测试 & 口译实务测试词汇中国、英语国家的文化背景知识 胜任一般场合的交替传译 口译综合―听力理解&信息处理 掌握大纲要求的英语词汇具备一般场合需要的英语听力、理解和表达能力 口译实务―听力理解、记忆、信息 处理、语言表达 发音正确,吐字清晰语流顺畅,语速适中能够运用口译技巧,传递原话信息,无明显错译、漏译.无明显语法错误. 英语口译三级考试模块设置―综合
60 100 总计
30 30 150词综述(500词原文) 听力综合
10 20 20题 填空
10 30 15题 篇章理解
10 20 20题 判断 时间(分钟) 记分 题量 题型
30 100
10 40 200字汉语讲话一篇 汉英交传
10 40 300词英语讲话一篇 英语交传
10 20 150~200字词 英汉互译(对话) 时间(分钟) 记分 题量 题型 实务 A Review of Translation Skills 例句After the football match, he's got an important meeting. He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech. 例句总理在出席音乐会之前,还有许多工作要做.中国足球的落后状态必须改变. 例句You'll supply financial power, and we'll supply manpower. Isn't that fair and square?He is dead and gone. She shook and trembled with fear.He suffered aches and pains. 例句Really and truly?痴心妄想长篇大论 粗心大意 丰功伟绩 My suggestion is that he should quit smoking at once.I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encourage-ment during my childhood. It was a very informative meeting.He objected that the plan is not practical.他总是喝很多酒他妹妹老是说谎. 他们教导我们要珍惜每一个机会. 她非常漂亮.你说他傻不傻? 英文多用名词和介词汉语动词较多有时两者皆可,但,遵循此规律会使译文更地道,否则文采上会逊色很多 友情提示 The whole project was completed in a quarter of a year.You say he works hard;
so he does. He was in NY in the first ten days of March. 你要看小说,我也要看小说. The stubborn boy refused to listen to his parents' advice.The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people. She is fidgety and restless. All the inventors have a restless mind. As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred.As luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic. Funny褒义 a funny story a funny writer 中性 There is something funny about the matter. a funny black hat 贬义 You'll be sorry if you try anything funny in class.She is a bit funny sometimes.Don't get funny with your boss! Something / anything / nothingSomebody / anybody / nobody It's always something that you are the owner of so many wonderful books. He has a strong desire to be somebody. Everybody who was anybody in Labour politics turned up.There must be something in it."She is my horse, my dog, my anything," the male chauvinist husband said. They are nameless nothings.He is always saying the usual polite nothings.I am a mere nobody. When he tossed a much-ballyhooed party in Persepolis three years ago to celebrate Persia's 2,500th anniversary, he invited virtually everybody who was anybody, but mostly nobodies showed up. Much to the anti-smoker's regret, cigarettes can't be uninvented.He seems to be at a loss for the precise word to complete his sentence. President Bush said that CIA's handling of the situation left much to be desired.Please withhold the document for the time being. Africa is not kicking out Western imperialism in order to invite other new masters.The world today is far from peaceful. The visit can't have left us a deeper impression.I could not agree more with you. I can't see you quickly enough. No criticism will be too severe to be gratefully acknowledged.她仍然没有明白我的意思. 在中国进入世贸组织方面,我认为实际上我们的差距已经是很小很小了.谈到中美贸易问题,首先要看到一个最基本的事实,这就是25年来我们两国之间的贸易有了巨大的发展. 上海大剧院自1998年8月27日开业以来,已成功上演过歌剧、音乐剧、芭蕾、交响乐、室内乐、话剧、戏曲等各类大型演出和综艺晚会,在国内外享有很高的知名度,许多国家领导人和外国政要、国际知名人士光临大剧院后,给予了高度评价,认为上海大剧院是建筑与艺术的完美结合. 中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个充满时代生机的东方大国,拥有许多得天独厚的旅游资源,自然风光旖旎优美,历史文化博大精深,56个民族风情浓郁,目前已被列入世界文化遗产地和世界自然遗产地达29处. 1972年尼克松总统第一次访问中国时说,对美国人民来说,远隔太平洋的中国是一个遥远而神秘的国度,将近30年后的今天,这种神秘感显然是减少了,但两国之间的了解比应该达到的程度仍相差很远. 据不完全统计,从1978年以来,中央和地方政府共投资2,000多万元人民币,在西藏修复了200多座寺庙和700多座佛堂,使西藏同胞的正常宗教活动得到保证.(CATTI, GRADE 2, 2004.11) 十六大以来,我们继续坚持以经济建设为中心,坚持改革开放,各项工作都有条不紊地向前推进.(CATTI Grade 2, 2003.11)一定要言行一致,理论与实践密切结合,反对华而不实和任何虚套,少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干. "搞" 搞定搞对象搞鬼 "搞" 搞计划生育搞副业生产搞名堂搞好两国关系 没搞头搞活国企搞个体 "搞"