编辑: 丶蓶一 2013-05-13

183 Queen'

s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong LEGAL ADVISER TO THE COMPANY DLA Piper Hong Kong 17/F, Edinburgh Tower, The Landmark,

15 Queen'

s Road Central, Hong Kong STOCK CODE

00090 COMPANY'

S WEBSITE www.amberenergy.com.hk


31 December 截至十二月三十一日止年度

2013 2012

2011 2010

2009 二零一三年 二零一二年 二零一一年 二零一零年 二零零九年 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 人民币千元 人民币千元 人民币千元 人民币千元 人民币千元 Turnover 营业额 744,952 614,399 720,412 654,315 396,229 Pro?t before taxation 除税前溢利 26,914 26,956 37,922 43,056 21,567 Income tax 所得税 (11,287) (7,498) (1,882) (2,141) ― Pro?t for the year 年内溢利 15,627 19,458 36,040 40,915 21,567 Pro?t attributable to Equity Shareholders of the Company 本公司权益持有人 应占溢利 15,627 19,458 36,040 40,915 21,567 15,627 19,458 36,040 40,915 21,567 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 资产及负债 As at

31 December 十二月三十一日

2013 2012

2011 2010

2009 二零一三年 二零一二年 二零一一年 二零一零年 二零零九年 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 人民币千元 人民币千元 人民币千元 人民币千元 人民币千元 Current assets 流动资产 283,194 382,969 315,898 392,820 316,360 Non-current assets 非流动资产 1,301,821 1,156,501 836,647 832,128 869,579 Current liabilities 流动负债 477,795 445,652 287,816 460,598 354,306 Non-current liabilities 非流动负债 553,180 551,010 333,344 272,139 370,744 Net assets 资产净值 554,040 542,808 531,385 492,211 460,889 Total equity attributable to equity Shareholders of the Company 本公司权益持有人 应占总权益 554,040 542,808 531,385 492,211 460,889 Total equity 总权益 554,040 542,808 531,385 492,211 460,889


2013 二零一三年度报告 CHAIRMAN'

S STATEMENT 董事长报告 Dear Shareholders, In 2013, the annual production volume of the three power plants of Amber Energy Limited (the Company ) amounted to 1,004,391 Mwh, representing an increase of 8.35% as compared to last year. In addition, the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group ) will complete the overall construction work of its new clean energy project, Anji gas turbine thermal power cogeneration project (the Anji Project ), in the ?rst quarter of 2014. The project is now in preparation for acceptance and adjustment before its commencement of production. For the year ended

31 December 2013, the turnover of the Group was approximately RMB744,952,000, representing an increase of 21.25% as compared to last year. Pro?t attributable to equity shareholders of the Company was approximately RMB15,627,000, representing a decrease of 19.69% as compared to last year. The change in net pro?t was primarily attributable to a signi?cant increase in production cost. Effective from

10 July 2013, natural gas price (inclusive of VAT) increased from RMB2.41/m3 to RMB3.22/m3 , while tariff rate increased from RMB0.80/Kwh to RMB0.96/Kwh. Tariff rate did not increase according to the increase in natural gas price, resulting an approximately 21% of the increase in natural gas price to be borne by the Company. In 2013, smog was frequently reported in China. Many cities encountered severe smog. People across the nation then became alert to air pollution and managed to experience the dif?culties in facing this challenge. Emission of hazardous gas from combustion of coal and oil is the most common cause of air pollution. The consumption of coal has been speci?cally controlled under environmental policies and measures. Clean energy has become increasingly important as a source of energy and the use of it is essential in the improvement of ecological and atmospheric environment. For maintaining a sustainable development in its economy, it is obvious that the PRC government is expending continuous effort to effectively preserve the atmospheric environment. The State Council promulgated The Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan in 2013. Pursuant to the plan, after ?ve years, the overall air quality across China shall be improved and heavily polluted days shall be reduced dramatically. In addition, the air quality in the areas such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River delta and Pearl River delta will be turned better with the implementation of the plan. After another ?ve years'
