编辑: 静看花开花落 2016-04-13
第32 卷第

9 期2012 年9月环境科学学报Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae Vol.


9 Sep. ,

2012 基金项目: 国家自然科学青年基金(No. 41001354) Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41001354) 作者简介: 陈郁(1975―),女,E-mail: chenyu@ dlut. edu. cn;

?通讯作者(责任作者),E-mail:yangfl@ dlut. edu. cn Biography: CHEN Yu(1975―),female,E-mail: chenyu@ dlut. edu. cn;

?Corresponding author,E-mail:yangfl@ dlut. edu. cn 陈郁, 杨凤林, 宋国宝,等. 2012. 化工企业突发大气环境风险评价标准的探讨[J]. 环境科学学报,32(9):2310-2318 Chen Y,Yang F L,Song G B, et al. 2012. Study on the inhalation standard of accidental environmental risk assessment in the chemical industry[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,32(9):2310-2318 化工企业突发大气环境风险评价标准的探讨 陈郁, 杨凤林? , 宋国宝, 刘振宇, 徐小宁 工业生态与环境工程教育部重点实验室 大连理工大学环境学院,大连

116024 收稿日期:2011-11-15 修回日期:2011-12-15 录用日期:2012-02-21 摘要:为了有效评价突发性化工环境污染事件的环境影响程度,急需建立科学有效的环境风险评价体系,而科学合理的风险评价标准体系是进 行准确环境风险评价的前提和基础. 本研究在对国内外风险评价标准体系研究分析的基础上,指出国内现有风险标准体系的 LC50 和IDLH 阈 值用于短期急性接触空气浓度标准值不尽合理. 通过对比分析 AEGLs、ERPGs、TEELs、AETLs 等国际上通用标准值的出台背景、意义及适用条 件,建议我国在化工行业突发性环境污染事件的环境风险评价过程中,优先选用 AEGLs 作为评价标准,其次选用 ERPGs 和TEELs,并以 LC50 及IDLH 作适当补充. 文中以某化工园区为例进行了比较研究,结果表明,与现行的 LC50 和IDLH 相比,AEGLs、ERPGs、TEELs 作为标准值能更有 效反映有毒化学品突发泄漏对人体健康的影响程度,可作为化工行业突发环境风险事件的评价标准. 关键词:化工行业;


评价标准 文章编号:0253-2468(2012)09-2310-09 中图分类号:X820.

4 文献标识码:A Study on the inhalation standard of accidental environmental risk assessment in the chemical industry CHEN Yu,YANG Fenglin? ,SONG Guobao,LIU Zhenyu,XU Xiaoning Key Laboratory of Industrial Ecology and Environmental Engineering, School of Environmental Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian

116024 Received

15 November 2011;

received in revised form

15 December 2011;


21 February

2012 Abstract: In order to assess the environmental risk for accidental emissions from the chemical industry effectively, it is necessary to establish a reasonable criteria system for risk assessment. Currently IDLH and LC50 thresholds criteria are used for assessing chemical accident in China. Compared with the criteria abroad, such as AEGLs, ERPGs, TEELs and AETLs, the existing criteria of IDLH and LC50 thresholds are not very rational. It is suggested that the standard can be prioritized as follows, 1)AEGLs;



and 4)LC50 and IDLH. A case study is carried out to compare the effects of these criteria. The result shows that AEGLs, ERPGs and TEELs are more reasonable than that of the existing criteria used in China to evaluate the impact of accidental events. Keywords: chemical industry;

environmental risk;

assessment criteria

1 引言(Introduction) 我国从

1995 年开始建设化工园区,2000 年后 建设速度明显加快,截止
