编辑: 黎文定 2016-04-13

426 植物保护学报46 卷Zaoxiaoyangju. The cluster analysis separated these two cultivars clearly into two different groups (classes), indicating obvious differences in resistance against these aphids. The average contents of solu- ble sugars (2.71 mg/g) and soluble proteins (25.36 mg/g) in the apical leaves of Zaoxiaoyangju were more than those in the Wanxiaoyangju apical leaves, whilst the total content of phenols in the former (0.24 mg/g) was significantly lower than that in the latter. The total contents of flavones in Zaoxiaoy- angju (3.46 mg/g) and Wanxiaoyangju (3.37 mg/g) were very similar. Moreover, in Zaoxiaoyangju api- cal leaves the contents of soluble sugars and soluble proteins were positively correlated with E1 and E2 durations of each aphid species, except the E2 duration in M. persicae;

both contents of phenols and fla- vones were negatively correlated with either E1 or E2 duration of each aphid species. The results indi- cated that Zaoxiaoyangju exhibited a relatively weaker resistance against the aphid M. sanborni than did Wanxiaoyangju, and there were no significant differences in the resistance to the aphids A. gossypii and M. persicae between these two cultivars. The contents of these substances in the chrysanthemum leaves seemed to be related to their resistance against or susceptibility to the aphids. Key words: Chrysanthemum cultivars of Hangbaiju;

Chrysanthemum aphids;

resistance against aphid;


resistantsubstance 杭白菊Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat '

Hang- baiju'

是我国最知名的茶用菊花, 原产地是浙江省桐 乡市, 其严重遭受菊小长管蚜Macrosiphoniella san- borni、 棉蚜 Aphis gossypii 和桃蚜 Myzus persicae 等 蚜虫为害 (蒋细旺, 2005;

丁佩等, 2015) .菊蚜刺吸 菊叶和花瓣汁液, 排泄蜜露落于下层叶片上滋生煤 污病菌而减弱光合作用, 同时还可传播菊花 B 病毒 (Chrysanthemum virus B, CVB) 、 黄瓜花叶病毒 (Cu- cumber mosaic virus, CMV) 等植物病毒 (张春桃等, 2010) .尤其是花期时芬芳的花香、 花蕊的金黄和洁 白的花瓣诱引各种菊蚜潜入花朵, 再随着花朵被采 摘、 加工和贮运而留于菊花产品中, 冲泡时蚜尸浸入 菊花汤中, 致饮者倒胃口, 也损坏杭菊形象.长期施 用茚虫威和吡虫啉等农药治蚜, 已导致菊蚜产生高 抗药性, 时而引发菊花产品农药残留超标 (沈瑶等, 2017) .因此, 如何有效控制菊蚜已成为杭白菊生产 上的难题, 种植抗虫品种也成为治蚜举措. 迄今浙江省桐乡市杭白菊原产地孕育了数十 个栽培品种, 田间作业发现菊花植株、 花朵形态和色 泽有异, 其抗蚜性未知.目前, 关于作物抗蚜性的研 究大多集中在物理抗虫性和生化物质抗虫性两个方 面 (郭广君等, 2016;

杨宙等, 2017) .叶片茸毛密度 大、 香精油含量高的菊花品种抗蚜性能偏强 (Deng et al., 2010) .菊花品种的防御酶活性存在差异, 则 其对蚜虫侵染的响应就不同.刺吸电位技术 (elec- trical penetration graph, EPG) 常用作检测作物抗蚜 性的辅助手段, 其可以快速地解析品种之间抗性差 异, 配合抗、 感性物质的化学分析等试验可进一步认 识植物抗感性与刺吸式昆虫间的互作关系 (何应琴 等, 2015) .本课题组使用EPG技术分析了11个茶树 良种对假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis(G?the) 抗性差 异, 发现叶蝉取食波历期和刺探次数可作为茶树抗 性评价的主要参数, 儿茶素类是一种主要抗性物质 (郑雨婷等, 2017) .选用对假眼小绿叶蝉抗性水平 差异影响较大的
