编辑: 芳甲窍交 2017-07-25

22 de Setembro de 2007) ?(…) Por instru??o do meu Governo, tenho a honra de submeter a Vossa Excelência os Instrumentos de Ratifica??o da República Popular da China do Acordo sobre o Estabelecimento da Organiza??o Internacional de Energia de Fus?o ITER para a Realiza??o Conjunta do Projecto ITER, assinado pelo representante chinês, H. E. XU Guanhua, em Paris, em

21 de Novembro de 2006, e do Acordo relativo aos Privilégios e Imunidades da Organiza??o Internacional de Energia de Fus?o ITER para a Realiza??o Conjunta do Projecto ITER, assinado pelo representante chinês, H. E. XU Guanhua, em Paris, em

21 de Novembro de

2006 (daqui em diante designados ?os dois Acordos?), e de declarar, em nome do Governo da República Popular da China, o seguinte: De acordo com a Lei Básica da Regi?o Administrativa Especial de Hong Kong da República Popular da China e com a Lei Básica da Regi?o Administrativa Especial de Macau da República Popular da China, o Governo da República Popular da China decide que os dois Acordos s?o aplicáveis na Regi?o Administrativa Especial de Hong Kong e na Regi?o Administrativa Especial de Macau da República Popular da China. (…) ? Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project Preamble The European Atomic Energy Community (hereinafter EURATOM ), the Government of the People'

s Republic of China, the Government of the Republic of India, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Republic of Korea, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States of America, RECALLING that the successful completion of the ITER Engineering Design Activities under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter the IAEA ) has placed at the disposal of the Parties a detailed, complete and fully integrated engineering design of a research facility aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion as an energy source;

EMPHASIZING the long term potential of fusion energy as a virtually limitless, environmentally acceptable and economically competitive source of energy;

CONVINCED that ITER is the next important step on the path to develop fusion energy and that now is the appropriate time to initiate the implementation of the ITER Project on the basis of progress of research and development in the field of fusion energy;

HAVING REGARD to the joint declaration by the Representatives of the Parties to the ITER negotiations, on the occasion of the ministerial meeting for ITER on

28 June

2005 in Moscow;



8433 RECOGNIZING that the World Summit on Sustainable Development of

2002 called upon governments to promote increased research and development in the field of various energy technologies, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced energy technologies;

EMPHASIZING the importance of the joint implementation of the ITER Project to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful purposes and to stimulate the interest of young generations in fusion;

DETERMINED that the ITER Project'

s overall programmatic objective will be pursued by the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization through a common international research programme organized around scientific and technological goals, de? veloped and executed with participation of leading researchers from all Parties;

EMPHASIZING the importance of safe and reliable implementation of construction, operation, exploitation, de-activation and decommissioning of the ITER facilities with a view to demonstrating safety and promoting social acceptability of fusion as an ener? gy source;
