编辑: 芳甲窍交 | 2017-07-25 |
AFFIRMING the importance of genuine partnership in implementing this long term and large scale project for the purpose of fusion energy research and development;
RECOGNIZING that while scientific and technological benefits will be shared equally among the Parties for fusion energy research purposes, other benefits associated with the implementation of the Project will be shared on an equitable basis;
DESIRING to continue the fruitful cooperation with the IAEA in this endeavour, HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Article
1 Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization 1.The ITER International Fusion Energy Organization (hereinafter the ITER Organization ) is hereby established. 2.The headquarters of the ITER Organization (hereinafter the Headquarters ) shall be at St Paul-lez-Durance, Bouches- -du-Rh?ne, France. For the purposes of this Agreement, EURATOM shall be referred to as the Host Party and France as the Host State . Article
2 Purpose of the ITER Organization The purpose of the ITER Organization shall be to provide for and to promote cooperat........