编辑: 摇摆白勺白芍 | 2018-10-28 |
2) the authority, pursuant to Rule 402.C., to take emergency actions;
3) the authority, pursuant to Rule 402.D., to take actions against non-members;
4) the authority, pursuant to Rule 413.B., to conduct hearings on denials of access pursuant to Rule 413.A., 5) the authority to conduct hearings, proceedings and appeals on all matters over which it has jurisdiction;
and 6) the authority to make findings on Rule violations against Members and non-members.
11 《NYSE Regulation》, NYSE Disciplinary Actions,NYSE Regulation undertakes disciplinary action to enforce violations of NYSE rules and federal securities laws by member organizations, as well as current and former employees of those organizations.
12 《NYSE Regulation》, NYSE Disciplinary Actions,NYSE Regulation undertakes disciplinary action to enforce violations of NYSE rules and federal securities laws by member organizations, as well as current and former employees of those organizations.
57 期货法苑 接受交易所的调查、纪律处分程序13 . 尽管美国各交易所自律处罚的范围不 尽相同,但关于罚款权,均不适用于非会 员单位.如规定对于会员及非会员都可以 进行自律处罚的CME Group,其罚款权适用 范围仅限于会员.一般对于非会员的自律 处罚并不会采取罚款的手段,主要采取了 结持仓、接受新的持仓限制以及限制交易 等处罚措施,其目的主要是为了防止违规 行为对市场产生的危害14 . 目前,我国期货市场交易所自律处罚 的范围包括会员、客户、指定交割仓库、 期货保证金存管银行等市场参与者15 ,交易 所的罚款权也适用于该范围.笔者认为,我 国期货市场的相关规定有以下的合理性: 一是我国期货市场法规对于交易所自 律监管权的授权性规定以及交易所业务规 则中对于交易所罚款权的具体规定是交易 所罚款权的根本合法性保证. 二是有利于交易所在更广的范围内 行使市场的自律监管职能.尽管境外交易 所规定仅对会员可以处以罚款措施,但我 们也应该看到,相比较境内交易所,境外 交易所会员的种类更多,涵盖的范围类更 为广........